Chapter 18

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Warning, contains minor spoilers from Rogue One!! Watch Rogue One, then come back and read the chapter. :)

My hands grasped the controls and the ship rocked back in forth in my efforts to keep the laser bolts from hitting us. My heart sank with every dull thud that echoed through the ship. How could we get out of this one?

"Okay, I'm going to land us the planet, and hopefully not get us blown out of the sky," I muttered, increasing the power of the shields. "I mean, how dangerous could it be down there? What could possibly go wrong ?" Obi-Wan closed his eyes and gave a terse shake of his head.

"Please, never say that. Something always goes wrong when you say that."

His words fell on deaf ears though, because I kept repeating in my head, "What could go wrong, what could go wrong?"

Red lights screamed at me from the controls, blinking rapidly. Obi mumbled something under his breath. I increased the power to the shields as I guided my ship into the atmosphere. Mist wrapped around us like a blanket, obscuring my vision.

As we glided closer to the ground, the heavy mist faded into a heavy downpour. Tall trees drifted out of the rains and mist as we landed. I lean back, studying the terrain. The broad, dark green leaves shielded most of the forest ground and vines wrapped themselves around twisted, thick tree trunks. Soft mist rose from the ground and created puddles of muddy water.

"Well, that went according to plan," I murmured softly, throwing on my cloak and clipping my lightsaber to my belt. I tucked my hair back into a thick braid and threw on my hood. Obi-Wan stood beside me as I lowered the ramp. He also flicked up his hood as we stepped out into the mist.

I stood outside and pulled in a huge breath of fresh, earthy air. The mist dampened the end of my braid.

"Where are we?" I asked, shivering. I felt like someone was watching us.

"I'm not sure," he responded.

Growing up on a very rocky and barren planet, trees were a rarity and I was mesmerized by the towering trees.

Obi-Wan nudged my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.

"How badly damaged is your ship?" I gasped. I had been so enchanted with the forest, I had momentarily forgot. Walking around, I shook my head, examining each hole, burn and scuff mark. I laid down and peered under the ship and my heart sank as I saw fuel dripping and mixing into a puddle.

"This is going to take time and money to fix," I sighed. "It's also leaking fuel, and we can't leave until I can get my hands on parts to fix it."

Obi nodded, but his eyes drifted around as if he expected someone to leap out at us. He stepped closer, eyes still roaming around the area.

"Do you feel like we're being watched?" he murmured. I nodded, my eyes darting around also.

"This is creepy," I muttered. The darkening sky and rain did nothing to ease my nerves. I walked back into my ship and grabbed a week's worth of rations and several canteens of water. I looked up at the fading daylight and nodded.

"Let's move out."

Aboard The Death Star

Darth Vader strode down the halls of the completed Death Star. What a terrifying machine they had created. He halted in the viewing room next to Grand Moff Tarkin.

"Lord Vader, I regret to inform you, but Galen Erso died during the attack on Eadu." Tarkin paused, and Vader digested the news.

Galen had been a brilliant scientist and a weapons developer. He would be missed, but his death would not affect the production of the Death Star. Takin cleared his throat and Vader turned his attention back to him.

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