Chapter 26

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I awoke with a start, the twin suns beating down on me. I rolled over and groaned, throat dry and sand stuck in my hair. I then sat up, unsure of what had woken me. My heart was racing, so it must have been another nightmare.

I crawled to my feet, grains of sand clinging to every surface. I groaned.

"I hate sand," I growled as I crept towards the settlement. I heard the low rumble come from deep within the settlement, and I watched as the sandy haired kid and the golden droid zipped away from the settlement on an old dusty land speeder. I stifled another groan and lept to my feet. I paced back and forth, allowing the cramped muscles in my legs to loosen before I sprinted after the speeder, allowing the Force to guide my steps and allowing me to keep the speeder within my sights.

The dry desert air blew my hood off and swept my hair back, streaming behind me like the cloak around my shoulders. The speeder raced into a canyon and I followed, not far behind. As the speeder slowed to a halt, I darted behind an outcrop of sandstone. The sandy haired kid jumped to his feet and stood in front of the R2 unit. He leaned down and said something, before a inhuman shriek echoed through the canyon.

I looked around as the kid's head shot up. I reached out with the Force and detected several life forms approaching from our left flank. I lifted the lightsaber from my belt and held it, thumb hovering over the activate switch. The kid returned to his speeder and hoisted a long barreled blaster into his hands before motioning to the golden droid and darting off to a better vantage point.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I stooped lower and also ran to a better location. I sensed a disturbance in the Force. . .

Everything after that unfolded at a dizzying speed, catching the kid off guard. A humaniod creature with a dust coloured wrap obscuring it's features raises a staff above it's head, jeering in a foreign tongue before smashing the staff down on the kid's head. He crumples to the ground in a heap and a small part of me wanted to dash out to save him, but I stamped out the Jedi-like instinct. Instead, I wrapped my cloak tighter around my shoulders as gooseflesh broke out on my bare arms, another eerie, inhumane wail echoing through the canyons. A hooded figure ambled out of the shadows as the creatures scattered, fear rolling off of them, nearly knocking me back a step. My heart dropped and my breath hitched and a tear slid down my cheek against my will.

"Obi-Wan!" I croaked as he bent over the kid's lifeless form, fingers steepled over his brow. Obi's head then lifted, the motion knocking back his hood. His familiar, fatherly blue eyes gazed around, as if searching for me. However, he knew exactly where I was, even though I was hidden from his view. As the sandy haired kid began to stir, Obi mouthed words that pierced my heart, my soul, my very being.

"You're not too far gone Skylar. You can come back to the light. You can come home. I'll help you." He paused and held out his hand. "Cody's not gone. Not yet. Come back, and you'll see him again. I promise. All you have to do is come down and take my hand." I wanted to go out to him and turn my back on the darkness inside and go home, but the darkness was too strong.

"Lies!" It whispered angrily. "Lies!"

"Lies," I hissed as the kid grasped Obi-Wan's hand and stood to his feet, my voice raspy with the Dark Side. Obi's face turned grim, eyes heavy with sorrow as he nodded to the kid and followed him back to the speeder.

The two loaded the droids into the speeder before they climbed in and shot off across the dunes, engine kicking up a trail visible from a kilometer from behind the speeder. A frown creased my brow. The speeder had not kicked up this much dust before Obi-Wan had climbed in. Did her want me to follow at a distance where I wouldn't be spotted? I scowled and called the Force to me as I took off after the speeder, legs pumping, enjoying the burn after being cooped up in space for so long.

I followed the speeder for about fifteen minuets until it stopped outside a small building, the colour matching the sea of sand that covered the entire planet. Obi-Wan helped lift the droids from the speeder and ushered the kid inside, throwing one last glance at my hiding spot before ducking inside. I slipped out from behind a dune and crept closer to the building.

"Welcome to my home, Luke Starkiller. It's not much, but it has served me well since the collapse of the Republic. In case you don't know who I am. . ." The kid, Luke, held up his hand.

"I know who you are. You're the old hermit, Ben." I choked back a laugh at the twinkle in "Ben's" blue eyes.

"I'm a hermit now, but once upon a time, I was a Jedi Master. My name was Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Ben will be just fine. Now young Luke, what brings you out this far?"

"This droid. He has a message for you." The image of Leia flickered to life and delivered her plea, begging Obi-Wan's help. Obi-Wan leaned back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"I will go to Alderaan and assist her in any way I can. Would you like to join me?" Luke's eyes blazed a bright blue at the thought of leaving the planet behind.

A few hours later, Luke and Obi-Wan pulled into a city and bartered with a Jawa to sell Luke's speeder. The Jawa finally agreed on a price and reached into his robes and withdrew a cloth sack and placed it in Obi's hand. Then the two along with the droids stepped into a dark building that spiraled into the ground. I strolled closer, shedding my cloak and joined a crowd stumbling towards the building. The two droids reappeared as I slid past. I peered inside but saw neither Obi or Luke. I dashed back outside into the glaring sun but the droids had also vanished.

I stifled a curse and roughly shouldered my way back into the cantina, earning myself glares and curses spat at me in a variety of tongues. I stood in the doorway and raked the room with a piercing blue eyes, rage turning them yellow. I couldn't see Luke's sandy head of hair or Obi's grizzled beard. I stalked back out into the blazing sun and curled my hand into a fist, trembling with anger. I let out a scream and let my fist fly into the nearest sandstone wall. The Dark side swirled around as the pain coursed through my veins.

"I will find you Obi-Wan Kenobi," I vowed." "Mark my words, I will find you."
I'm back! Vader's Lost Daughter will now have weekly updates starting this Friday. If for some reason it's not there, the update will be on the Monday. Thank you guys so much for 11.5k reads!! It means so much to me❤️
Believe will also receive weekly updates stating Thursday of next week. I will be rewriting Vader's Lost Daughter very soon and the first chapters will be coming in January along with two brand new stories, so stick around.

Thank you all again. May the Force be with you! ❤️

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