Chapter 8

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Hey guys! I decided to change the story to Skylar's point of view, but if you don't like, I'll change it. . . So I hope you in enjoy!

"Skylar, Skylar!" A voice slowly brought me back to life. I opened my eyes to find a dark shadow looming over me.

"Who are you?" I gasped, scooting backwards. I backed up and hit a wall, ramming my injured shoulder. I gasped, tears filling my eyes.

"It's me, Obi-Wan!" whispered the shadow. Then he reached down and grasped my left hand, pulling me to my feet.

I winced, and Obi stared at me.

"How bad is it?" I asked weakly.

"Well, you're right shoulder is broken, and a few of your ribs are probably broken too."

Footsteps echoed from somewhere nearby, coming closer to us.

"Do you think you can run?" Obi asks, drawing his lightsaber. I nodded. "Good, get ready!" Obi shouted as the first storm trooper ran around the corner."Run!"he said, pushing the trooper back with the Force. I sprinted away, my ribs groaning in protest.

"Sky, run to the abandoned shack, on the east side!" I turned around briefly, the tripped over an exposed tree root. I landed with a thump, and then clambered back to me feet and took off. After a couple of twists and turns, and stopped at the end of the canyon. A massive dirt wall loomed over my head. I was going to have to climb it, despite my injuries.

Reaching up, I dug my hand into the dirt, and jabbed my feet into the wall. Slowly, I began to make my way up. It was hard, dirt isn't the best thing to climbing, but the occasional root helped. Sweat poured down my face, my arms shook with exhaustion, and the pain in my ribs was so intense, I almost screamed. Just as I heaved myself over the top, a red bolt of light streaked past my face and hit a nearby tree.

"She's up there!"

I looked over the edge and watched as four troopers raised their blasters. I scrambled to my feet and ran, heading east, to where I hoped to find Obi-Wan.

Night fell. I'd been running for hours, flinching at every thing I heard, from a bird taking off, to an animal scuttling in the dry leaves. As the sun finally sank below the horizon, I debated whether to stop and rest or keep running. My ribs ached, but my shoulder was worse, sending fingers of pain running down my arm.

"I should rest," I whispered. Hearing my own voice was comforting. Carefully, I looked around, hoping that I hadn't been spotted. I scaled a nearby tree, using only my left arm. Using my black cape, I gingerly tied myself to a thick branch, and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

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