Chapter 23

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The Emperor, Vader and I all stood on the bridge, overseeing the crew. Hushed voices swirled around the bridge, speculating about me.

Vader placed a hand on my shoulder and the Emperor raised his hand. Silence descended onto the bridge. He opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted.

"I am Darth Vader's daughter, Darth Tytär." A dozen heads nodded and then silently returned to their work. The Emperor nodded and motioned for us to follow him. Once we were out of earshot of the crew, the Emperor slowed his pace.

"I have a mission for you, Darth Tytär. There is a. . . Rebellion brewing." His voice oozed with disgust. "Although they have no chance against us, I still want you to influerait one of their bases and gather inlet on their numbers, resources, other bases and leaders, and then report back to me or your father. Understood?" I nodded. A small smile played across his thin lips. "Good. You leave immediately." I hesitated a moment before bowing my head slightly.

"Yes my lord." With that I turned on my heel and left.

I ran a loving hand across the controls of Rogue Starfall. I was home. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my left ear and flicked the hood over my head. My eyes darted around the area as I started up my ship.

The comm crackled to life.

"Darth Tÿtar, you have clearance to leave. Good luck." The voice hesitated ever so slightly. "May the Force be with you." I smiled ever so slightly and lifted my ship out of the Star Destroyer. I thumbed off the comm and stared into space.

I then closed my eyes and reached out into the Force, searching for the rebels. I felt something pulling me towards the Yavin system, and more specifically, towards the fourth moon. I slowly opened my eyes and flicked the switch for hyperspace. The stars became long, pale blurs as I streaked off into hyperspace.


An alarm blaring roused me from the light sleep I had managed to fall into. I stretched, arching my back. I looked at the controls and noticed two rapidly flashing lights. One reminded me that I had reached the fourth moon, and the other flashed and I had no idea why. I tilted my head to the side and squinted, thinking. I finally shrugged and hit the override button. Both alarms and lights went silent, leaving the cockpit empty.

I then turned my attention to the moon that filled my view port. Ocean blues and dark, earthy greens swirled and spiraled into each other. I eased the nose of my ship towards the moon.

I glided through the thick, humid atmosphere towards the planet's lush jungle surface. Majestic monuments and temples jutted up from the surface, worn and cracked from years of relentless weather and neglect. Thick vines crawled and twisted over each other, all reaching for the sun's golden rays.

My keen eyes swept the area, landing on a crow's nest with a Rebel nestled in it. My comm crackled to life.

"Unidentified ship, state your business."

"I am here to join your cause," I said, crossing my fingers.

"I need to see some identification," he said, his voice oozing with suspicion. I sighed softly and reached out with the Force.

"You don't need to see my identification," I responded forcefully. I felt him shift, my words seducing him to my will.

"I don't need to see your identification," he mumbled. "Please head to the main temple and the princess will meet you there." I switched off the comm and banked slowly to the left, my mind racing. Princess? What princess?

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