Chapter 31

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I wasn't sure where I was going or what I was going to do when I got there, but all I knew was that I had to get away.

I stared blankly out the front of the ship, allowing the autopilot to guide me through the wide expanse of the emptiness of space. The comm crackled to life again, the seventh time in the past two hours.

I thumbed the button to patch the call through and listened in stony silence as Cody's voice filled the cockpit.

"Please Skylar, come back. You aren't too far gone. We can fix this together if you just come back." His voice was thick with unshed tears. Numbly I shut off the comm and gritted my teeth, choking back a sob. The coppery tang of blood filled my mouth as my teeth sank into my lower lip, the comm flashing once again. I jabbed my thumb into the comm.

"I can't come back Cody. Nothing will make me come back. It's time to let me go. Goodbye."

"Wait, Sky I lo-" I disconnected the call and sliced through the wires, rendering the comm useless. I then stood to my feet, blue sparks from the wires dancing across the controls as I stalked from the cockpit. I reached into my pocket and withdrew the private commlink Vader had presented me with before I had left for Tatooine. I thumbed in the private code he had given me and waited for the call to go through.

"Darth Tytär. It has been two weeks since your last report. Where have you been?" His voice was thick with something I couldn't quite place my finger on. It sounded almost like- concern.

"I have been tempted by the light, my Lord. I fell prey to its promises but I was able to see through the veil of deception. I must realign myself with the Dark Side. Where must I go?"

"Search your feelings my young one. You know where you must go." He disconnected, his presence lingering in the room, wrapping around my shoulders like a cloak. I close my eyes and searched, reaching across the galaxy. A name and an image floated across my closed lids. My eyes snapped open as I returned to the cockpit and settled back into the chair.

My hands danced over the controls, slender fingers craftily avoiding the sparks that still darted across the panel. I then leaned back into the chair as the ship jumped to hyperspace. It was time to meet the Sith Lord on D'Qar.


I guided Cody's ship into the atmosphere, images from my last visit swimming across my vision. It seemed fitting that my journey revolved around this place. I had arrived a Jedi, blinded by the light and now I returned a Sith, my eyes opened by the shadows that had welcomed me home.

I squinted as I opened myself to the Force and latched onto a dark tendril of the Force that ran throughout the entire planet. I mentally gave it a tug and whispered, "I am here to complete my training." I then set the ship down in a clearing and closed my eyes, settling in to wait.

The subtle shift of the Force shook me awake. I resisted the urge to fly from the seat and attack as I steadied my breath and kept my eyes closed as if I was still asleep. Fabric rustled as the figure stepped closer towards where I was seated.

"You are good I must admit, young Skywalker. You were able to trick my senses into believing you were still asleep. The Force however is not as easily fooled." A grin curled the corner of my mouth as I stood to acknowledge his compliment. The Sith stepped into the moonlight that drifted from the windows, his cloak wrapping around his tall, slender frame. The light illuminated his ghostly pale blue skin and his obsidian coloured eyes glittered as he sized me up. I barley even topped his chest as he beckoned me to follow him outside.

"Lesson one. Never let your guard down." Without even a stir in the Force he leapt at me, shedding his cloak and igniting his lightsaber in one fluid motion. He swung for my head and would have succeed if years of training had not kicked in. I dropped to my knees and ignited my saber as his momentum pushed him off balance. I then swung for his unguarded left side, a weakness I had noted from our last duel.

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