Chapter 20

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My stomach dropped.

"Vader?" Obi-Wan nodded gravely.

"That's his star destroyer, The Executer." I shivered, sensing his presence.

"My daughter," a voice murmured in my head. I jumped, and Obi-Wan looked at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I shook my head and stumbled out of the cockpit towards my bunk. I closed the flimsy door and fell to my knees, screaming in my head.

"Come to the dark side. Obi-Wan deceives you." I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. My hair fell across my cheek as Vader's voice continued to speak.

"Your thoughts betray you. You have grown attached to Cody. Attachment is forbidden!"

I looked up a strangled scream slipped through my clenched teeth.

A black shadow had appeared and had taken on the shape of a hooded figure. The figure cackled and whispered,"You are the daughter of the dark side. It lives within you; and no amount of light can ever drive it from you!"

Without even thinking, my lightsaber appeared in my hand and I leapt at the shadow, dragging my lightsaber against the wall. The cackling echoed away and I collapsed against the wall, shaking. Anger and feared pulsed through
my viens. I was the daughter of darkness. The shadow was right. I could never be a Jedi. My father had been the chosen one and even he couldn't resist the dark side. How was I supposed to?

Obi-Wan peered in and looked questioning at the wall, but I waved him away. I just wanted to be alone. With a sigh, I curled up against the wall and waited for sleep to come.

Obi-Wan shook me awake. I groaned and turned over, trying to escape his shaking.

"Go away," I mumbled. I didn't want to ever wake up. I could feel myself breaking, slipping towards the Dark side. I then shot out of bed like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on me.

"Where's Vader?" I asked groggily.

"His ship is in orbit on the other side of the planet. I'm not sure what he's waiting for." I shook my head. I had no idea why either.

"What are you waiting for?" I whispered. But I got nothing. I just heard my own laboured breathing. Obi-Wan placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he asked.  I shook my head and shrugged his hand off my shoulder and walked out of my room towards the cockpit. I stopped dead in my tracks as I reached the doorway. A gaint ship loomed in front of us.

"It's Vader!" I shouted to Obi-Wan. I ran to the the controls and flung myself into the seat. "I'm going to make the jump to hyperspace!" I flicked the switch, but before we could make the jump, a tractor beam caught us and began to drag us toward Vader's ship.

"The controls are completely overridden!" I exclaimed to Obi-Wan, watching fearfully as we were dragged into the mouth of a terrifying beast. Everything went completely dark before there was a blinding white light. I blinked, and drank in the surroundings. Stormtroopers rushed here and there, their footsteps echoing on the metal floor and their blasters banging against their hips.

A squadron of stormtroopers stopped in front of my ship and the leader waved to someone out of view and with a soft whoosh. Their boots clanked against the ramp and my breath caught in my chest. The stormtroopers stopped just outside the cockpit and raised their blasters.

"You are to come with us at once. Lord Vader wishes to speak with his daughter. At last," he said, tossing Obi-Wan an accusing glance.

Two stepped foreword and wrestled mine and Obi-Wan's arms behind our back and slapped on wrist binders. I was pulled to my feet and shoved down the ramp and then led through a maze of corridors. With ever step, they brought me closer toward my father.

Darth Vader's POV

If my hands could sweat, they would be right now. I paced anxiously, waiting to meet my daughter. I wanted to know, did she look like me or her mother? What was she like? Was she a skilled pilot like me? Did she have her mother's political talents?

My thoughts where interrupted by the swish of the door opening. A squadron of stormtroopers entered and right in the middle, arms pinned behind her back.

A stormtrooper pushed her forward, and she stumbled toward me. Her head of softly curled black hair just about topped my chest; my over six foot frame towering over her petit form. Her pale blue eyes glared defiantly at me. She was beautiful; the kind of girl that when she walked into a room, she turned heads. She stared unflinching at me, her head tilted  back to look me in the eye. I gave a slight nod, and waved a hand at the stormtroopers. One stepped forward and shoved her back into the middle of his comrades and then they left, taking Skylar with them.

Skylar's POV

Before the stormtroopers had taken me to see Vader, they had taken Obi-Wan and taken him to a holding cell. After we had seen Vader, they took me to a room. The room was nice, but it was still a prison. They removed the cuffs and  left me alone.

I collapsed on the bed, removed my shoes and crawled under the blankets. After what felt like forever, I managed to fall into a restles sleep.


It was dark. Very dark. I struggled to breathe, the overwhelming darkness crushing my chest. I began to panic, and that's when the screams started. I spun in a circle, trying to pinpoint the source of the blood curdling screams. A violet light lit up the darkness and stormtroopers began to fall at my feet, their shrieks echoing wildly before dying off into eerie silence. I gasped, terror slicing through my veins. A figure emerged from the darkness, a purple lightsaber fading to red clutched in their hand. A midnight black cape whipped around their body and two yellow eyes gleamed dangerously from under a black hood that shadowed their face. I edged closer and a sob rose in my throat. Was that-? A raspy whispered echoed wildly, chanting," Darth Tyrär, Darth Tytär," over and over. The figure strode forward, the hood falling back and revealing their face. A scream was ripped from my throat. It was -

I awoke screaming, tears streaming down my cheeks, the blankets twisted around my legs. I untangled my legs and swung them over the edge of the bed, hiding my face in my hands. My bare feet brushed the floor and the cold made me tremble as I prodded the darkness for a threat. Finding nothing, I collapsed onto my side shivering and trembling. I was terrified. What if my dream came true? I sighed softly. Looks like I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

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