Chapter 35

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A low murmur swept through the crowd. I tilted my head and smiled sweetly.

"What is the meaning of this?" bellowed the Chief. I turned to him and offered him my hand.

"Take my hand, and I can show you that this man is responsible for Lexxi's death." My hand trembled ever so slightly as I waited for his decision. His eyes held confliction; he desperately wanted to learn the truth about the fate of his daughter, but at the same time, he would have to trust a Sith. He made up his mind and stepped forward, accepting my hand.

I closed my eyes and shoved my memories through the Force. We watched my memories of the previous day played out. Tears leaked down his face as he watched in horror as Lexxi crumpled to the ground, her eyes dull. I let go and let the vision fade, and he stumbled, a moan rising low in his throat. He raised a finger and pointed venomously at Darth On'kayak.

"Kill him," he rasped, rubbing a fist across his tear-stained face. I turned to Darth On'kayak and ignited my lightsaber.

"We fight until one of us is dead. There will be no surrender." He removed his saber from his belt and rolled his broad shoulders, cloak floating to the ground. His long fingers grasped the hilt of his saber and with a feral shout, he launched himself at me.

I somersaulted forward, rolling under his saber, hitting the ground before springing back to my feet and swinging for his back. He dropped and I lurched off balance as my swing propelled me forward. I stumbled over his outstretched leg and hit the ground on my shoulder.

Darth On'kayak swung his saber and nicked my leg. I howled and twisted away as he jabbed again. I sprung to my feet, hand clamped over the wound. As he came for me again, I removed my hand and grasped the hilt tightly. I swung for his head, and then his torso, and his legs and back again, pushing him back as my swings grew more frantic. He calmly batted away each blow, eyes twinkling with suppressed amusement.

"You can not beat me, my young apprentice. I have been one with the Force for centuries." I slowed my advance, panting. He was right. I couldn't beat him on my own skill and strength. I lowered the tip of my saber to the ground as Lexxi's terrified face flashed across my vision.

A tentative plan formed as I deactivated my lightsaber. A triumphant smirk curled his lips as he stepped closer.

"There, there, my young naiive appreantice. I also once challenged my master to a duel, and I also lost. It made me stronger, as I am sure this is a lesson that will further your training." He deactivated his lightsaber as he slowly cirlced me, exmaining me from head to toe.

"Yes," he hissed,"use your anger, your hate." His eyes fluttered closed, a cruel smile on his lips. "You believe you can strike me down?" He opened arms wide, smile now taunting. "Come! Strike me down. Futher your training." I gripped the hilt of my saber tighter, muscles taunt as I studied him. His left side was left unguarded, but I would not fall into that trap again.

I inhaled slowly, and then lept forward, frienging an attack on his left side. He was expecting me to lunge there, so he brought his lightsaber up to slice into me, but I wasn't there. I slipped under him and swung hard for his now ungaurded right side.

His mouth opended in an 'o' of surprise as I wrentched my saber from his side. He collapsed akwardly to the ground, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. I loomed over him, deactivating my saber.

"Never under estimate a Skywalker," I spat. "You always lose." His eyes widened and the tiniest smile curled his lips.

"You...have. . .done well young Skywalker. But you are no Sith," he croaked. "You have no place to belong. You will always be conflicted. The peace you sought here, you will never find!" He began to cackle, wheezing and sputtering as his life slowly drained away. "You will never find who you are." He then breathed his last, cold, cruel eyes fixed on my face.

I then turned to the Chief, concealing my trembling hands by fastening my cloaked caked in dust back on my shoulders.

"I know you have no reason to trust me," I began, "but I did truly care for your daughter. I tried to save her, but I could not. I am sorry." I bowed my head in shame, cheeks burning. I really didn't belong anywhere.

The Chief stepped forward and touched my forehead, and began to chant in a tongue I was unfamiliar with. His eyes slipped shut as his gentle, powerful voice filled the glen and a sense of peace settled on my shoulders. He then opened his eyes and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"If you ever need a place to come, you have proven yourself to me today. You will always be welcomed here." I met his tear-filled eyes and nodded, my cheeks damp.

"I can't stay now. Maybe someday, but I need to know who I am." He nodded.

"Please allow me to escort you back to your ship, Darth Tÿtar." I bowed my head solemnly and accepted his outstretched arm.

I stopped off briefly at the compound and filled a bag with rations and thoughtlessly tossed several changes of clothing in as well.

Chief Chamundi pressed a final press to my cheek as we stopped at the bottom of my ship's ramp.

"Until we meet again," he murmured, tenderly squeezing my hand. I smiled and squeezed back before I climbed the ramp.

I settled on the cockpit and waved before I flicked the levers across the dashboard and the engines roared to life.

As I guided my ship out of the atmosphere, I swallowed and retrieved the comm from under the seat we're I had shoved it. I cleared my throats.

"Lord Vader?" I inhaled, and blew out a long breath. "I have finished my time with Darth On'kayak. I am ready to come home."

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