Chapter 36

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Darth Vader's heavy breathing echoed over the line. "Well done my apprentice." He hesitated. "Well done my child." The tenderness in his mechanical voice brought tears to my eyes. "Where I felt your conflict and your agony, I now feel your resolve." 

"Yes, father. Darth On'kayak has shown me where I belong. I belong beside you, Father. That is my place." 

"I am sending you the coordinates to the Death Star." The commlink at my hip buzzed as I unclipped it from my belt. The coordinates showed that the Imperial forces were just outside the Yavin system. "We have located the rebel base." "I understand. I will be there as soon as possible." I punched in the coordinates to the system and flickered the switch for hyperspace. The stars around blurred into white streaks as I made the jump to lightspeed.


 "Welcome home my young one." I stretched my arms above my head as I exited my ship, boots tapping against the polished floors of the Death Star. 

"Thank you, Father." I gazed around, lips pursed. "No Sidious?" 

"He has a previous engagement. It will be just you and I for now." He turned and swept out of the cargo bay, cloak swirling around his ankles. I followed close behind and a legion of stormtoopers. "You have been away for a long time, my dear child. Tell me what has happened to you since we last saw each other." I pursed my lips. 

"I searched for the droids on Tatooine, but I was unable to locate them. I fear they have fallen into the hands of the rebels." 

"Yes, but you have nothing to fear of them. We are currently making moves towards wiping the rebel scum from the galaxy." 

"I travelled back home to Ryloth, only to discover there was nothing left for me there." I swallowed and blinked the tears from my eyes. Vader turned to me and gently placed a gloved hand on my shoulder. I smiled at his tender gesture. 

"I then returned to D'Quar, where I spent a few weeks training under him." "What did you learn from him?" "I learned that my place is here, with you. My strength lies within the Dark Side of the Force and I was foolish to believe otherwise." My anger at myself flared and poured through the Force, swirling around my shoulders. My father turned to look at me, stopping in the middle of the corridor. The steady trickle of stormtroopers and officials simply flowed around us, not even slowing from their tasks at hand.

 "You did not know better, my child. Obi-Wan feed you lies about the galaxy around you for many years." He then turned on his heel and strode forward and I trotted to keep up with his long strides. "He met his demise at your hands." 


 "Good. You have come so far from where you first began. I am proud of you." I nodded, a warm glow of pride spreading through my chest. The glow banished the lingering thought of Darth On'Kayak's final words. I did belong somewhere. And I will fight to prove myself. I looked up and found that we had veered out of the corridor and were now standing in the bridge of the Death Star. The wide empty planes of space yawned out on all sides, pockmarked by billions of tiny pinpricks of light.

 "We are headed towards the fourth moon of Yavin, where the rebel base is located. The Emperor will be boarding the Death Star in twelve standard hours. Until then, you are free to do whatever you please." 

"Thank you, Lord Vader. I will retire to my chambers for a few hours." I bow and leave the bridge, motioning for one stormtrooper to follow. The rest stood guard as I asked the trooper to take me to the chambers that had been prepared for my arrival. 

"Here we are, my Lady. If you need anything, please let me know. I am yours to command." 

"Thank you. Please ensure that I am not disturbed by anyone other than the Emperor or my father." The stormtrooper nodded and quietly closed the door behind them. I flopped onto the bed, kicking off my boots and laid my head on the crisply folded pillow. My eyes drifted shut and I allowed sleep to take over. 

"My Lady?" I groaned and rolled over as the stormtrooper stood in the entrance of my chamber. I groggily rubbed a hand across my bleary eyes and sat up, smoothing down my hair. 


"The Emperor has arrived and is requesting your presence on the bridge at once. Do you need any assistance to find your way back?" 

"No, that will be all. You may take the rest of your shift off. I will be sure to put in a good word with the Emperor about your dedicated service." I could feel his pride roll through the Force as he saluted, armour clanking. 

"Thank you, my Lady." He clicked his heels and strolled away down the corridor. I stood to my feet and threw my discarded cloak around my shoulders and clipped my lightsaber to my belt. It was time to meet the Emperor. 

It only took a few minutes to arrive back on the bridge. I pursed my lips and gazed around, the Force humming with anticipation. The bridge was nearly deserted, except for a pair of troopers guarding the doorway. They let me through without hesitation and then turned and left, blasters held rigid against their chests. 

"Welcome, my dear Darth Tytar. It seems it has been so long since we have had the pleasure of seeing one another." The Emperor melted out of the shadows, his voice a mere whisper. The hair on my arms prickled as he moved closer, my father just paces behind. 

"Yes, my Emperor. It has been far too long." I dipped my head, voice oozing with forced sweetness. "I met Darth On'kayak while I was away and he taught me some very valuable lessons. It's such a shame he had to die." The Emperor chuckled as he sat down, dark robes rustling. 

"Yes, I have heard all about your adventures while your father and I have been working to wipe the rebellion from the galaxy. We have almost arrived at their base and then we will attack, channelling the full power of this space station." I nod. 

"What became of the plans stolen by the rebels?" The Emperor's gleaming yellow eyes narrowed into slits. 

"They managed to make it back into the hands of the rebellion. But no matter. No harm shall come to any of us three." I could feel the slight niggle of doubt at the back of his mind, but he was confident that if the Death Star were to fall, the three of us would be able to escape and rebuild. 

"Now, I have one final challenge for you, Darth Tytar, to prove what you learned with Darth On'kayak. Guards, bring him here." He turned to look at me, a cruel smirk resting on his wrinkled lips. "It seems an old friend of your's managed to track you down." Four stormtroopers emerged from the shadows, dragging a man in shackled with them. His head was bowed, and his face was obscured by a mop of shaggy blond curls. My heart stirred as he looked up, a warm pair of brown eyes staring back at me. 

"Cody?" I breathed, taking a hesitant step forward. His cheek was decorated in a collage of different coloured bruises and a trickle of blood leaked down his temple. His tongue licked at his split lip as he limped forward and stopped in front of me. A stormtrooper kicked the back of his knees and he collapsed to the ground with a pained grunt. 

"Why is he here?" I rasped, turning to face the Emperor. His eyes shone with delight as he took in the scene before him. 

"Strike him down, Darth Tytar and fulfill your destiny. Strike him down and take your rightful place at my side, where together, we will wipe the rebel scum from the galaxy and rule together. Someday I will be gone, as will your father, and you and you alone will rule the galaxy. But only if you strike him down now." 

Cody stared up at me from his position on his knees, eyes devoid of fear. He watched as I deliberately unclipped my lightsaber from my belt and held it in front of me, thumb hovering over the activation button. 

"Strike me down Skylar, and there will be no redemption left in you. You are better than this. I can feel the conflict in you. I know you. I know you're better than this."

 I stepped forward and stopped breadth away from him. He sat back on his heels as I tenderly cupped his cheek, stroking the tender skin peppered with bruises. He let out a shaky sigh before his breathing became even with acceptance. He turned his head and pressed a tender kiss to my palm. I inhaled sharply, tears making my breath shaky as I pulled back. His eyes closed and his chin rested on his chest as a tear slipped down his cheek. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks as I lifted the saber high above my head and. . .

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