stannbear's Quandary (stannbear)

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stannbear's Quandary

stannbear sat at a table in the saloon

some things he'd learned needed pondering

Seemed Croc was playing a different tune

now joined by Hunter, got him wondering

His great aunt's name was Olla Croc

and once was Olla Diamond

So that made her, her father's brother's sister

Did Olla and Croc have any kids

while they were married?

stannbear squirmed on his chair,

he was the right age.

When Croc hired him to ride in the race

it was Steel that introduced them.

stannbear needed some answers

and he wondered if Crazygoose would

have anything left over from the fire

in her files at the paper.

They weren't the best of friends

even if a lot of what they said was in jest.

He'd just have to ask and let fate do the rest.

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