Chapter 14

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Justin's POV

"I'm sorry princess." I said softly as I approached Alana right after Melanie left the room. She shook her head and wiped her tears while backing away from me. I sighed in desperation. "Please 'Lana. I couldn't make it today. You know how busy daddy is." I lied through my teeth. I crouched down to her height and lightly wiped her tears with my thumb.

I know lying to my daughter was a horrible thing to do but I can't lose her too. I already lost Melanie for my stupid mistakes.

Alana bursted into tears and wrapped her arms making me hug her back. I closed my eyes when I felt tears coming out from my eyes. Seeing Melanie cry was hard enough. Alana crying on the other hand was just too much for me to bear. "I want you back here daddy." She mumbled as she held her head at the crook of my neck.

"I am here babygirl." I said gently as I rubbed her back.

She pulled away and looked at me in the eyes with a pained expression making my eyes soften. "I want you to stay with me and mommy like before. You don't give me a goodnight kiss anymore. You don't hug mommy when she cries." She cried out. "I want you here." She paused. "I miss my daddy." She whined.

I immediately brought her into my arms again when she said that. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you Alana, I'll always be here for you. No matter what." I said with sincere. I pulled away but lightly grabbed her arms. "Remember that. And I promise that from now on, I'll be here every night to say goodnight." I promised her.

She nodded lightly and sniffed. "You promise?" She stuck out her pinky promise. Something she had a habit of doing with Melanie.

I smiled at her and linked my pinky with hers. "I promise babygirl." She smiled back at me showing her baby teeth. Oh you don't know how happy that made me to see her smile at me. When I came in earlier and saw her avoiding me, I swear to god, my heart nearly dropped and I made a complete fool out of myself by blaming Mel. Which reminds me. I need to apologize for that and for missing Alana's first day. "Are you still made at me?" I joked as I tickled her sides making her giggle with glee.

She shook her head quickly. "Not anymore daddy." She smiled.

I nodded. "Good. So do you want to tell me what happened on you first day of school?" I asked her while sitting down on her little bed.

She jumped up and grabbed my hand. "Yeah! I had so much fun today daddy! At first I didn't want to go in the classroom but then mommy told me that we'd have ice cream and watch a movie when we get home... which we did!" She yelled with excitement.

I chuckled at her. "That's goo--"

She cut me off. "AND THEN! A girl whose name was Maggie talked to me. She was really nice and told me she was going to my new best friend! And then Mrs. Lee made us walk around the room and tell everyone our names. I made so many friends today daddy!"

I smiled as I watched her face glow with happiness when she told me what she did. "That's my girl! Were you nice to everyone?" I raised my eyebrows at her playfully.

"YES YES YES! Mrs. Lee gave a sticker and put one on my drawing. It's on the fridge! Mommy put it there. You want to see it?" She asked jumping and down.

I chuckled. "Okay okay. Come on." She grabbed my hand and ran as fast as her little legs could go.

"Hurry daddy!"

"Baby, the picture isn't going anywhere." I said as I pulled my pants up from falling.

We got downstairs and went to the kitchen where I saw Melanie drinking something out of her cup while going through her phone. She looked at me and saw me already staring making me focus back to Alana who was already in front of the fridge. "TA DA!" She exclaimed while pointing at the picture.

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