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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

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Lucan came home and he and King were yelling which was surprising. They never argue. We were still eavesdropping on them. I hope it doesn't get physical.

"He was flirting with you and you didn't stop him!" King yelled.

"I told him I had a boyfriend but thanks for the honesty. You act like I was flirting back! Have some trust in me! This is so stupid!" Luca yelled slamming his bags down.

"What's going on?" Dad whispered. I saw all of them being nosy.

"Dunno," I whispered and looked at them.

"You continued letting him flirt with you! That's what stupid, Lucan. And it's not even that, but it was right in front of me too! You didn't even have him acknowledge I was the boyfriend!" Ouch.

"Lots of people try flirting and compliment me, King, so what? I love you and want you, I don't give a shit if the whole goddamn world wants me! You're the man I want and the only only one I want to keep wanting me! You don't see me getting mad when guys and girls come chasing after you when I am with you. No, because they're right in saying how hot you are. But you're my man, you're with me, so they can want all they want but I'm the one leaving with you, I'm the one who kisses your lips. It's called trust, King, do you not have that?"

"Oof, he's such a man," Cole chuckled.

"You love me?" I facepalmed. "You just said it,"

"Did you go deaf with every word after that!? Ugh! You're getting me mad for no reason, you know that? You better hope Aaron isn't here yet because if he is and hears this he would be beating your ass down the street thinking you could yell at me for this stupidness,"

"He would agree that you should've stopped that guy and rubbed it in his face that I was your boyfriend, Lucan. And you just said you love me, you're avoiding it,"

"If I didn't, King, why the hell am I still with you? It's been how long? Our one year is next month. That's not the topic we're talking about, King. It's you being stupid and jealous over some unattractive sleazeball saying I looked cute in my uniform!" Luca smacked his arm. "Go to my room and stay there until you come up with a good apology. And I'm going to my puppy because she brings me joy! -oh! No wonder she's named joy, duh," He laughed.

"Did you just order me to your room?" King asked shocked.

"You're right, that's being nice in this dumb argument. Get out!" He pushed him to the door.

"But it's our movie night," King looked at him.

"What makes you think I'd like to spend it with you after this bullcrap? I'll be with Aaron, at least he loves me," Luca spat and I covered my mouth.

"I do love you, Lucan. You realize I'll just climb in your window right? You never lock it,"

"I will now!" Luca yelled pushing him to the door again.

"Stop pushing me!" King roared.

Lucan stepped back and King stepped forward. Oh, he better not slap him or they're done.

"I'm sorry, I do trust you. I just, I'm a jealous man, Lucan, okay? And yeah, I do have trust issues, it's too long to explain. But I do trust you because you tell me all the time I'm only for you. But dollface, it was like you didn't want anyone to know I was your boyfriend. That's what I'm upset about, you just had me standing there for like a couple of minutes until you said bye. You gave him the decency of a bye, Lucan." King said. I glanced at my Dad.

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