Chapter One

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"We pissing our pants yet? Oh, boy--do I have feeling we're getting close." a deep voice chimed as I'm pushed to my knees beside Maggie, who's ragged breathing kept me weary. I looked up towards the RV, finding the source of the voice as he stepped out. "It's going to be pee pee pants city here real soon." he stated, looking over my group, and with a short chuckle he spoke up once again. "Which one of you pricks is the leader?" he asked, and the man carrying Daryl's crossbow stepped forward. "It's this one, he's the guy." he declared, pointing to Rick. The leader stepped forward, looking down at Rick as he rested a baseball bat on his shoulder. Upon further examination, I noticed the barb wire wrapped around the bat, and it took everything in me not to make any distraught sounds as we waited for him to speak.
"Hi. Rick right?...I'm Negan," he greeted softly, his voice giving me goosebumps. "And I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my men to kill your men for killing my men, you killed more of my men. Not cool...." he stated "....Not fucking cool. You have no idea how not fucking cool that shit is." I looked at Rick, who seemed to be frozen in place as he stared up at the man speaking, eyes wider than I'd ever seen them before. "But I think you'll be up to speed shortly." Negan said with a shrug, and in a dark, threatening tone he continued. "You're so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes."
I tuned out most of what he said next, and it wasn't until he moved closer to Maggie and me that I was brought back to reality. He looked at Maggie, who was close to toppling over. "Jesus, don't you look shitty. I might as well put you out of your misery now-" "No!" Glenn cried out, and I watched as he scrambled forward in an attempt to get to where we were, only to be knocked to the ground by the same man who called out Rick. The man was ready to kill him when Negan interrupted, "Nope. Put him back in line." he demanded casually, rubbing at his well groomed beard as Glenn was pulled back to his original spot, Maggie sobbing silently to my left. "I'm gonna let that slide; it's an emotional moment, I get that. But I will shut that shit down if you try it again." He looked down at me, and my stomach lurched when he grinned. He chuckled before moving back to the middle of the lineup.
"I don't want to kill any of you...let me make that clear right from the get-go. I want you working for me, and you can't very well do that when you're fucking dead, now can you? I'm not growing a garden." he stated, and it was almost as if he were giving us a lecture. "But you killed my men...a whole goddamn lot of them. More than I feel comfortable with. For gotta fucking pay." He looked around at each of our faces before smirking, "I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you."
I gulped as he brought his bat down off his shoulder, twirling it in his hand. "This here's Lucille...and she is fucking awesome." he commented darkly, and I soon found it hard to think. He paced up and down the line, every now and then commenting on something unimportant. Eventually he threw his arms out, " I simply cannot decide!" he announced as he scratched at his temple, turning so his back faced us. A few seconds later, he held out a finger, spinning back around. "I've got an idea." He chuckled before pointing the bat at Rick's head. "Eeny," he started off his sick little game before moving to Sasha. "," he continued on down the line, coming to a halt in front of me. "Catch a tiger...." he winked at me before moving on, and I couldn't help but gag. " the toe. My mother-" I couldn't listen to it anymore, I looked down as he passed me going the other direction, and it wasn't until the last word was spoken that I looked up. "It." he declared as the bat pointed down at Michonne, who stared up at him with a menacing gaze. Fear clouded my mind as he stood up straight. "Anyone moves or says anything, cut the boy's other eye and feed it to his father, and then we'll start. You can can can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that." he stated as he lifted the bat up, and before anyone could protest it was brought back down...the only sounds filling my ears being horrific cries and bones cracking.

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