Chapter Ten

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I looked around the room, every now and then picking something up to examine it further. He hadn't returned for what was about to be three hours, and I could only assume he was off with one of his "wives". I gritted my teeth at the thought, my stomach flipping in disgust as I tried to think of something else. I knew that if I didn't stop giving him attitude he would become more aggressive, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Besides...I had nothing to lose.
I stepped in front of a full length mirror he had leaning against a wall in the corner of his room, taking in my pathetic reflection. I wasn't ugly, that much I knew, but I sure wasn't beautiful; with my long auburn waves that fell down my back and pale freckled skin. I was also skinnier than what would be considered normal, due to malnutrition, but my curves were still prominent. What stood out most to me were my eyes: almost doe like and bright blue, with a few specks of green. I was nothing compared to the women he already had, even though they too wouldn't be classified as 'beautiful', but more average.
I turned my attention to the door as the doorknob jiggled and turned, allowing the door to open so the person on the other side could come in, which happened to be Negan. He looked to where I was standing, meeting my gaze silently, and we stood there for what seemed like forever before he finally spoke. "Put this on." he demanded in a hushed tone as he tossed me a bag, and I caught it with both hands, peeling it open to look inside. I gasped softly as I found the bag was filled with a lengerie set, looking up at him with disbelief in my eyes. "N- no. I'm not wearing this." I shook my head quickly holding the bag out for him and he glared at me, his eyes squinted as he slowly stepped forward, closing the gap between us.
"You will put this on for me, or I will do it for you." he threatened darkly through clenched teeth, and I could feel the agitation radiating off of him. I shook my head once more and held my breath as he towered over me. He looked over my body slowly before taking the hem of my shirt in his hands, yanking it over my head harshly much to my protests. I tried to push him away as he began to work on my bottoms, and it was only after he managed to pull them down that I was able to push him away. "Okay! I'll do it...just don't touch me," I hissed out angrily, and he scoffed, shuffling through the bag to pull out the articles of clothing before chucking them at me. "Don't keep me waiting." he growled, and without so much as a second glance he moved around me, heading for the bathroom. He slammed the door shut behind him, and with a shaky breath I began to finish getting undressed.

Author's Note: what do you guys think so far? I'm trying to add tension. Let me know ;)

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