Chapter Twenty- three

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"How could you?" I hissed through the tears as Negan closed the RV's door behind him, giving his men the okay to pull out as he glared at me. "Lessons needed to be learned, sweetheart." he stated softly, and I blinked. "Is that the only reason you brought me? To show me that you killed one of my closest friends?" I asked him, raising my voice slightly on the last part as the RV started to back up and turn. He held my gaze, trying to intimidate and shut me up, but I stood my ground not caring about the consequences. "I slept with you. I- I actually trusted you in a way, as crazy as that sounds. I've done nothing to deserve any of the emotional shit you've put me through."I continued, anger boiling within me as I paced back and forth, body shaking as tears continued to fall. "And then you go and show me exactly why I shouldn't feel, why I shouldn't try to care...." I mumbled softly as I looked at him, and I could see something had changed by the way he was holding himself, his eyes focused on me. "Addy," he began softly, voice laced with aggravation as he held his hand out towards me. I flinched away out of instinct, whimpering softly as I held his gaze. "You destroy peoples' lives, torment the ones you spare, and then take half of their supplies. Only a monster does that Negan, and I'm starting to believe, once again, that that is exactly what you are." His eyes widened at my words, and he lowered his hand as silence filled the back of the RV, the only sound being the roar of the engine. "I actually...actually liked you," I admitted softly, crossing my arms as I sat down, looking away from him as he stood frozen in place. "Sorry," he mumbled, almost soft enough I couldn't hear before walking to the very back of the RV, and I sat there in complete shock.

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