Chapter Twenty- one

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We came to a screeching halt outside the entrance to Alexandria. I peered out the dirty window of the RV to look over my home, which still seemed to be intact. The thing I noticed the most, which gave me an unsettling feeling, was how there was no one on watch. "Come on, I got some things I need to do." Negan said gruffly as he moved to the door, and I followed behind him slowly. Was I excited? Yes, but the strange feeling that something was wrong had my stomach in knots as I exited the RV, my feet landing on familiar soil. I took a deep breath as Negan strutted over to the closed gate and, using Lucille, knocked on the metal bars, a loud clanging sound vibrating off the steel walls. The sound sent shivers down my spine as I stopped behind him, and after a few moments I could hear movement on the other side. "The week isn't over yet, we don't have your supplies." Abe's voice called out, and Negan chuckled softly to himself before replying. "I ain't here for any of that. I brought you a present." he stated enthusiastically, and I gave him a strange look as the gate finally opened.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for the wait and I know I promised a longer chapter. I promise I'll make it up to you though ;)

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