Chapter Five

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We were lined up near the entrance to Alexandria, patiently listening for the roar of the RV's engine to sputter into earshot. "This exchange should be simple. They come in, take their share, and leave." Rick grilled us as he paced back and forth, clutching at the gun holstered to his belt. I held a firm grip on my machete, watching him pace as my mind hovered over one thought: what happens if they don't leave? The sound of an RV moving closer to its destination interrupted the unnerving silence, and I could hear the tires screech to a stop outside the gate.
Rick looked over at Abraham, who in turn gave him a quick nod before heading to the entrance, Glenn covering him from behind as he opened the gate. We were greeted by a few men, guns pointed in our direction, ready to fire if we tried anything. They moved into the town, looking around, most likely for anyone that could be hiding; they were smarter than they looked. And then Negan stepped through the opened gate, his bat resting on his shoulder as he looked around with a huge grin. "What, no welcome party? I'd kill for some liquor right now," he stated, and soon began to laugh at his own sick joke. "What? Bad joke?" he teased through the laughter when our group didn't react the same way, and eventually he stopped and cleared his throat.
He glanced over at me as he stepped closer, throwing me a playful wink and grin before turning his attention towards Rick. "So, where is it?" he asked calmly, and Rick nodded his head over to where we kept our supplies. Negan whistled to his men, motioning for them to go fetch it, and a few hurried over to where Rick had directed them. A few minutes of awkward silence went by before they returned, carrying a couple boxes back to the RV. "Woah, hold on. You're not holding out on me, are you Rick? Because I'd be pretty fucking offended if you were." Negan declared menacingly, and I looked over at Rick, who seem just as lost as we were. "That's half of everything here." Rick promised, and Negan shook his head. "Not good, not at all. Give me something else." He looked over the group, his eyes landing on me once again, and he smirked devilishly. "I want her." he stated casually, as if I were merely an object fit for his taking. Rick began to argue with him, and I could see the tension starting to rise amongst both groups. Realizing there was no other way, I stepped forward, taking a deep breath before speaking out. "I'll go."

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