Chapter Nine

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The next morning went by in a blur. Negan's men cleaned up their campsite, and within an hour we were back on the road. I hadn't been up for long, and found myself falling asleep in the seat, resting my head in my palm. Negan sat to my right, talking to one of his men up front, and every now and then I would pick up on something said. Another hour had passed, maybe more but I couldn't tell, and Negan leaned in closer to me. "Were almost'll be staying in my room." he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine as his warm breath hit my neck.
I turned to look at him, our noses touching slightly as our eyes met. I felt my heart skip a beat, and he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against mine. I realized I had been holding my breath when I started to get dizzy, and he smirked at my obviously flustered state.
I looked away quickly, earning a chuckle as the RV came to a stop. "Home sweet home," Negan commented, and it took everything in me not to say 'maybe for you'. I stood up, following him out of the RV and into an unfamiliar building. We entered a large room, where I noticed a few women donning different assortments of lengerie. I frowned in distaste, never agreeing with that sort of lifestyle as Negan cleared his throat. "Those are my wives. Not too smart, but hell, it's a good time." I looked at him in disbelief, eyes wide. He sighed and led me down the hall towards his room, and once inside he closed the door. I turned to face him as he stepped forward, holding a hand out to touch my arm, to which I quickly backed out of his reach. "Don't touch have wives for that." I stated bitterly, putting emphasis on 'wives', and he glowered at me.
I felt no regrets for what I said; it was disgusting...wrong. Any chance he could have possibly had was destroyed by the women whoring themselves out to him down the hall. "I'm gonna go see about the supplies. Don't leave this room." he demanded harshly before walking out, slamming the door behind him, leaving me standing there alone.

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