Chapter Eleven

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I looked over the lengerie I now wore, furrowing my brow in shame, hating myself for giving into this silly charade. He'd been in the bathroom for no more than ten minutes before the door opened up and he stepped out into the bedroom. He looked over my body, his eyes filling with lust and what seemed to be admiration as his eyes roamed over my pale curves, and I held my breath as I awaited his next move. "Damn, I should've just told you to're still wearing too much for my liking." he commented lightly, and I gagged silently as he moved closer meeting my gaze. "How much longer are you gonna keep fighting me, huh princess?" he asked in a soft tone, reaching out to stroke over my cheekbone and down to my jaw. I shivered closing my eyes, my mind racing with a mixture of fear and hopelessness. "I'll never stop...because I don't belong to you." I stated softly, and I could hear him chuckle as he removed his hand.
And suddenly his hands were on my waist, pulling me against him roughly, causing me to yelp in both surprise and pain. I opened my eyes quickly, meeting his intense dark orbs as he held my wide eyed gaze. "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how fucking wrong you are. You do belong to me," he hissed darkly as he glared, and I swallowed the bile in my throat as I tried to pull away. It was a pointless effort though, as his grip on me never faltered. "L- let me go...please," I begged with a soft whimper as I tried to pull away once more. His expression seemed solumn as he watched my pathetic efforts to escape his grasp, almost as if he felt guilt, but it quickly changed when he smirked. "Oh....the things I'm going to do to you." he breathed out, and then he was leaning down, pressing his lips to mine.

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