Chapter Twelve

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The kiss ended quicker than it began, and I was left standing there dazed as I looked up at Negan, who donned a wide smirk. I blinked, letting out a shaky breath as he backed away. "Shit, what did I say before? I'm not into rape." he stated, sounding almost offended by my surprised reaction to him stopping, and he threw his arms out with a stressed sigh. "You women can be real fucking confusing, ya know that?" he questioned, not really needing an answer though so I stayed quiet.
I watched as he ran a hand through his black hair, obviously frustrated with the fact I wouldn't give into him. He met my gaze suddenly, and there was a strange look in his eyes, something almost like sadness. "What were you...before all of this?" I asked him curiously, and he tilted his head a bit as if thinking about whether or not to answer. "Gym coach...why?" His answer amused me, as I now understood his loud personality. I grinned slightly biting my lip before speaking once again, "It fits you. I should have known. And your bat, you said it was named Lucille, what's that ab-"
"That's enough questions for the day," he interrupted gruffly, and I closed my mouth with a frown as his attitude changed once again. We stood there silently, eyes connected, for what seemed like forever before he cleared his throat. He pushed passed me, and I could hear the door open and close as he left me there.

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