Chapter Fifteen

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Author's Note: let me know what you thiiiink~ ;) and also please vote for each chapter if you like the story, it really helps a lot. Can't wait to see what you think!!

I kissed him back, my hands moving to cup his face as he pulled me against him roughly. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into mouth as he began to explore, and I felt betrayed by my own body as a moan escaped my lips. I closed my eyes as his hands roamed up my sides causing me to shiver, and he let out a groan as my tongue traced over his lightly. Images of him and the blonde filled my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to shut them out. It was only when his hand moved down to cup my backside that it worked.
I was pressed tighter to him, and I gasped when I felt his bulge against my thigh, earning a groan. I wasn't a virgin, that had been taken when the world first went to hell; a shameful, drunken night with none other than Merle Dixon. It hadn't been awful, but I did regret who it was with, and that I let myself stoop so low. But most everyone I knew was dead, and I was afraid of dying before I had a chance to know what it was like. And now, I found myself glad I decided to follow Merle into that tent, because I knew Negan would be far from gentle.
He removed my shirt quickly, leaning down to kiss over my neck as he moved to undo the buttons of my jeans.
I stepped out of them, reaching out to pull his shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor. I went to remove his belt but he stopped me, pushing me back onto the bed before I could question him. I looked up at him as he pulled his belt off before proceeding to undo his jeans, pushing them down and off along with his boxers. I gulped as my eyes roamed over his muscled figure down to his manhood, which was much larger than I'd first anticipated. He reached down, hooking his fingers under my panties before pulling them off slowly, and I shivered as the cold air hit my skin.
My bra was taken off shortly after, and I now laid beneath him completely naked and vulnerable. His eyes held both lust and intrigue as he looked over my small frame. He pulled me close so that my lower half was off the bed, holding my legs as he pushed into me with a groan. I gasped out as he filled me, gripping at the sheets beneath me as he began to thrust into me at a slow pace. I moaned softly as he rolled his hips against mine, and I arched my back as he hit my sweet spot, letting a yelp escape my lips. He grunted as he sped up, hitting my spot repeatedly to hear the sound again. It wasn't long before we came together, and he collapsed onto of me panting breathlessly. He rolled off of me after a few moments, scooting back onto the bed before pulling me with him, and I rested my head on his chest. "Not too bad...not bad at all." his voice filled my head before my eyes drooped closed.

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