Chapter 2

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"Lily! Lily!" someone shouted. I looked around, where was I? I remember being in Potions with Slughorn and then.....nothing. What had happened?

"Evans!" a voice called out. Potter, that's what happened, I thought.

"Marlene?" I muttered unconsciously.

"Lils! Finally! You've been out for days!" At that I sprang upwards, "I've been what?!" Marlene laughed nervously "Uh you don't remember do you? Well you were in Potions and then Sirius tried to trick you and tried to turn your cauldron fire into stone but then you bent down to check the fire underneath it and the spell hit you. We're so thankful the spell doesn't work on wizards! So then you hit the cauldron face first and James carried you here to the hospital wing and told me." She took a deep breath. "We've also postponed the Girls Night so you could join us!" I leaned backwards, taking all of this in, Ja- Potter had carried me all the way to the hospital wing and Sirius had tried to prank me.

Oh he's in for it now, Slughorn will kill him for fooling around in his class. Professor McGonagall would probably be upset too, Sirius would be taken care of. But Ja- Potter had carried me here? It was He's still an arrogant toe rag. Then his band on his left wrist yet again caught my eye. Maybe he is your soulmate, maybe he's the one you will love. SUBCONSCIOUS! "Evans!" "Potter?" I asked a bit harshly I must admit. "There's a Hogsmeade trip next week and-" "No Potter." He walked away dejectedly....I felt guilty...until I heard a crack outside the hospital wing. And a laugh? I tiptoed outside the hospital wing. "Severus!" I gasped "What happened?" "Lily! Thank goodness! Help me!! That Potter boy levitated me and I left my wand back in the common room!" I turned around and true to his word Potter was there laughing his arse off. "POTTER!!" I waved my wand "Immobilus!", and to Potter's dismay, he was frozen.

Gently, I brought Severus down from the ceiling. "Are you alright?" "Yes, thanks Lily." But oddly he looked around and ran off, almost worried of being caught with a Gryffindor. But he had told me he would never be ashamed of being around me. I brushed it off, maybe he had been embarrassed at what happened, that must be it.

"Hey Evans, when do I get to move again?" I spun around with my deluxe glare and Potter shrank, "When I see fitting Potter, or until the spell wears off in an hour." I turned and marched away until I heard a new voice "C'mon Sev, Imperio the spider!" 'Avery.' I thought. I didn't approve of Severus' friends, I never had, but Severus seemed happy and I supposed it was alright. "Imperio!" a voice shouted from the empty classroom on my right. No no no this isn't right, that wasn't Sev that had to be someone else! To my absolute horror, I heard laughter. Even worse, I recognized Sev's laughter, the laughter that wasn't pure unless around true friends and sadly that was the laugh I heard. I mean sure Sev was in Slytherin but he wasn't that deep into the Dark Arts yet, was he? I strained my ears, trying to listen to more of the conversation. "I can't wait to become of age! I'll finally be able to join the Dark Lord's army!" said a voice I recognized as Avery yet again. "To the Dark Lord!" yelled a voice...wait I knew that voice, Sev? No, wait SEV?!? I freaked out, I ran back to the dorms, the sentence replaying again and again. Sev, what had happened to him? To the Dark Lord? To, to You-Know-Who?

I was so worried I ran right into Professor Slughorn. "Ahh Miss Evans! Just the person I wanted to see! Are you doing anything later?" "No sir." "Then perhaps you will join me and some fellow students for a dinner party later." "I would be honored." Brilliant, now I have to go get an outfit for the dinner! I rummaged through my closet after finally arriving at my dormitory at least this had taken Sev off my mind. Finally I decided on a red dress and heels, to match my hair.

I decided it was my free period after all, I could stand to read a little before dinner, right? I pulled out Potions of a Century and started reading

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I decided it was my free period after all, I could stand to read a little before dinner, right? I pulled out Potions of a Century and started reading. A few minutes later I looked at the clock, "Bloody hell! It's already 6:40? Professor's dinner party starts at...Yikes 6:55! Lily Evans can not be late! I dressed up as quickly as I could without damaging anything anyways. I ran up the corridor and bumped into Potter. "Evans? Where are you heading?" "If you must know Potter, I've got a dinner party in a few minutes." "Slughorn's?" "Yes." "Great I'm going too!" Oh no.....I've got to attend the same party as Potter?

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