Chapter 14

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Today is the last day of 5th year, everything just blew right by, I heard that almost 1/8 of the students will be leaving Hogwarts for good because of all the attacks that have been happening. I hear the Hogwarts train pulling into the station of Hogsmeade and I see the Professors waving good bye to the students they'll never see again, I frowned at the irony of it all, Dumbledore is the only wizard You-Know-Who ever feared yet the students leave his safety because they fear attacks. I'll never see the day where Dumbledore dies because he simply can't. He just can't but the gloomy atmosphere quickly changes as Marlene and I grin as we see James and Sirius walking down the aisle of the train directly opposite us, Marlene waves her hand out of our cabin and Sirius and James start walking towards us.

James says in a slightly deeper tone then normal, "Hey Lily-love, I've missed you." I looked at him with confusion written on my face, "You never called me Lily-love, it's always Evans!" I backed away slowly into the seat trying to merge into it, this- whatever it was, wasn't James, I looked at his face trying to find anything unusual about it, his eyes! "Oh it's my new nickname for you, sorry I shocked you." His eyes were a lighter green rather than the hazelnut brown I had familiarized myself with, Marlene seemed to be having issues as well because to my brilliant observation skills, they had moved out of our cabin without me noticing. James seemed to clutch something in his hand and I caught a faint sign of a black something on his arm. "What's that in your hand?" "NOTHING! Are you always this annoying?" He yelled in annoyance, but I was shocked how he would've said that to me. I shook myself out of it, telling myself over and over again that it wasn't him and this was a different person.

I forced on a sweet smile, "But you should know that I'm curious if you are really my boyfriend." He looked stunned for a moment but then he took out a flask and suddenly as he opened it a disgusting fume filled the air, 'James' took a couple gulps of it throughout the ride and we didn't talk the rest of the trip. Soon the train pulled into King's Cross Station and I jumped up, out of my seat to leave this phony 'James' but he had other plans, he grabbed my wrist in a tight hold and growled menacingly, "Ever want to see your boyfriend alive and breathing again. You'll do as I say, hear me? Course you do, first on the first day of summer at your muggle home you'll take the small gold item that we hid behind your dresser and use that to contact us each week of your summer, if you do as we tell you each time you contact us, you might see him again." With that he let go and disappeared with only the slightly purples bruise on my wrist left to show that he had been here at all. I stood frozen as Marlene came out of her cabin with a terrified expression on her face, we looked at each other and immediately knew that we needed to do something. Marlene and I promised to send owls to each other throughout the summer in case anything happened, but I stepped down from the train and quickly found my mum and dad waving at me happily with Tuney leaning against the wall with a horribly annoyed expression plastered on her face. I ran over to them and my mum immediately bent down and smothered me in a huge hug that squeezed my lungs, my father chuckled and took my suitcase from my hands, "Oh we've missed you Lily dear!" said my mother with a happy grin, "It's good to have you back Lily." said my father, he gave Tuney a hard look and she rolled her eyes in annoyance as she said in a cold tone, "Yadda yadda yadda, you're home, yay." My mother sighed sadly, but quickly brightened up as she turned to me with a smile, "We made your favorite honey cake dearie, let's all go home and have a nice time together, how about that?" I grinned and nodded my head in excitement, none of Hogwarts' delicious treacle tart would ever come close to my mother's famous honey cakes, Tuney however, stomped her foot angrily and groaned, "But mum! You promised me that if I came with you to get her that afterwards I could go out with Vernon!" I tilted my head in confusion, "Vernon?" Tibet sneered, "My boyfriend of 4 months, his name is Vernon Dursley and he is so sweet, of course I doubt you even have male friends yourself!" I frowned and replied a little colder than meant, "If you had bothered to read my letters home sister, you would know that I have actually found my soulmate already." My mother smiled, "That's right! Our little Lily-flower is growing up!" My father placed a hand on my shoulder proudly, "Well done Lily." Tuney scowled unhappily, "Well can we get home already?! I told Vernon to pick me up at 3 and it's 2 o' clock I still need to do my hair." My father picked up my suitcase and he lead us to the car, "Look darling, our car has a new hook right here at the back for coats and laundry, but your mother and I got it because we thought your owl cage would fit nicely on it." I stood there in disbelief and hugged my parents in a big squeeze as I hooked up Natalia on to the back hook, there was a small piece of wood that kept the cage from moving about as we went home, my mother opened the door and a stack of her honey cakes sat, still warm, on the dining table, I rushed forward and grabbed the biggest piece I could find and sighed in content as the warm cake melted in my mouth, my father was outside getting my luggage while Tuney rushed upstairs to get herself ready for Vernon, my mother sat down across from me and gave me a smile, "Tell me how's school dear, do you have many new friends?" I told her all about Marlene and Alice along with James, Sirius, and Remus, I told her about the different attacks because I knew she cared for me enough to do the right thing, as I got to the part where her necklace saved me from the Death Eaters, tears sprung to her eyes, she grabbed me in a tight hug and whispered that I mustn't be in a hurry to look for such frightening adventures, soon enough it was nighttime and I was curled up in bed listening to the familiar wind brush past the house as I thought about the instructions that had been given to me by the strange man on the train, I slowly tiptoed out of bed and reached behind my dresser and I pulled out a small golden camera pendant that had somehow been stuck along the side, when an abrupt knocking at the door startled me, a voice cried, "Anyone help me please!" My mother and father met me downstairs, Tuney had spent the night at Vernon's house where she claimed his parents were dears, I looked through the peephole and saw a familiar shape outside the door, I carefully opened the door only to see a face that I had been so desperate to see, James, the real James stood there in front of me, blood soaking his shirt, his glasses had been cracked and he held a broken wand to his side. I rushed him inside the house and my mother quickly rushed to get a medical kit from the kitchen, my father knelt down, "What's your name son?" James shook in fear, "Potter sir, J- James Potter."

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