Chapter 18

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I shivered as I walked down a forest path and even though it was almost 90 degrees outside, I was freezing. My parents were right in front of me, they were encased in a glass box, a small inscription written on top.

"Whoever seeks to open this case, will have to trade someone to take their place."

I panicked, who would be willing to take the place of my father and my mum in the case? I went closer and tried to pry the glass open, until I noticed something unusual, there was no lid. It was solid glass. I then grabbed a branch on the ground and began to beat the glass with all my might, nothing, not even a scratch appeared. I sunk down to the ground and sobbed, plain, old, ugly, loud, heart-wrenching sobs, "Lily?" I looked up, "Who said that?!" No response, I stomped my foot in frustration, "Show yourself!" "LILY!"

My eyes shot open, it was a dream, all of it had been one, long, terrible nightmare. James sat at the foot of my bed, concerned eyes watching me, "Are you okay?" I tried to play cool, "Why wouldn't I be?" "Because you were crying and thrashing in your sleep." James' look told me he didn't buy it, I thought my acting was good! Sev always used to buy it when I told him that I needed to study so I couldn't hang out with him. I mean it was true, but I didn't study Ancient Runes like I said! Oh who am I kidding, I suck at lying.

"You really do Evans," James said, doubling over with laughter. I had said everything out loud, brilliant, just brilliant.

I looked over at the clock, it read 11:56pm, now I felt guilt creeping in, "Sorry did I wake you?" James stopped laughing, " 'Course not Evans, this is you we're talking about." I grinned and lay back down, I could feel James lean over and kiss my forehead gently, "Good night Lily."

Even though I knew he was still the arrogant toe-rag of first year, I suppose he's not bad.

James' light snores were the only sound in the house, I couldn't sleep after I had already woken up, it was 3 in the morning and I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all night. Nothing I did worked, I re-read Hogwarts, A History three times, I counted sheep, I drank a warm glass of milk, and I even tried reading Leo Tolstoy. I wanted to take a walk to try and clear my head, I had a mini in-my-head debate. Should I tell James and have him come with me? Or shall I let him rest? Well the answer is obvious!

I changed quickly into a sweatshirt and jeans, I got my purse, put my wallet and my necklace from my mum in there. I refused to leave the house without it, after what had happened at Hogwarts. I wrote
'Went for a walk, don't worry, Lily.' and stuck the note on the bedside table where I knew James would see. I grabbed the set of spare keys hanging on the door and set off for Lady Claire's for a scoop of late night ice cream. What? I'm walking there aren't I?

Arriving at Lady Claire's was the easy bit, now I had to choose a flavor, I had enough for two scoops plus a topping. I felt a bit bad for enjoying myself with two scoops of hazelnut vanilla ice cream, but it helped calm my nerves a little. The park was beautiful at night, the street lamps shone, and the trees gave you wonderful comforting shadows.

I leaned back on the park bench, imagining a world without Voldemort, I thought of brunches with Marlene and Alice again, and the next generation playing in Godric's Hollow without a care in the world.

I saw a figure walking towards me, it seemed to be limping, and the problem was I could recognize her, it looked like Marlene? The figure came closer and closer, now I could see her face, a horrible, bloody slash ran down the side of her face, her hair was all over the place and she was sobbing. It was Marlene, sweet, sweet Marlene, I ran over to her. "Marlene!" I called, she glanced up and grinned at me. I ran forward and immediately began to help Marlene to the bench.

"How did you get here?" Marlene looked at me sadly, "I was trying to help Sirius, I found him surrounded by these men in dark cloaks, but they weren't Death Eaters. One of them had a blue cloak on, he was punishing Sirius, it seemed. I ran forward to help but Sirius saw me and told me to go. But I didn't, they beat me and one of them apparated me here, I've been wandering around for ages!"

So, we weren't the only ones who had a problem with these guys. I'm so excited to see what happened next. Not.

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