Chapter 12

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I was running for my life, James was right behind me, a blast shook the castle and James grabbed me and held me under the table as a cold, malicious laugh rang out, "YOU GRYFFINDORS SHALL PAY FOR YOUR TREACHERY." James held me tighter, Marlene hid with us, we barely knew who Alice had become now, but for all we know, she was with Frank as we were too 'dangerous' for her. I suppose he wouldn't like to hear about the time we snuck out of classes to go jump on a zooming broomstick near Hogsmeade, those were our 4th year days when we didn't worry so much and we dreamed of happy endings covered with silver and gold dreams. A wave shook the floor I heard a crack in the wall and all of a sudden, the only boundary covering the fight between Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall against the Death Eater, collapsed, I could see beads of sweat running down the Professor's face but I let myself smile a little once I saw at least five Death Eaters lying dead on the floor. The Death Eaters had killed the kind nurse in the Hospital Wing and now only two remained standing, one was already delirious from the Cruciatus Curse that Professor Dumbledore had placed on him, but the other one, was one I knew very well, Bellatrix Black, decked out in leather black robes and now a white streak ran through her hair, I had no wish to ask her what had happened, she cackled and raised the sleeve of her right arm and there was the dreaded Dark Mark, she threw a fog bomb on the floor and with that, they disappeared. I saw Sirius cautiously rise and leave the refuge of under the bed and he asked, "Marlene, I REMEMBER!" Marlene rushed out and smothered Sirius in a hug, one by one, we all began to stand up and smile, they had left, we all knew they wouldn't leave forever but we were safe for now, Professor McGonagall turned and gave us a smile, "Children, we are alright for now, is anyone hurt?" Alice raised her hand, whimpering, "Frank pushed me under the beds too hard, I heard a crack when I hit the wall." I looked at Marlene and she seemed to be smug, in keeping us away from Alice, Frank had managed to sprain her arm. James hugged me from behind and I felt his lips curve into a smile against my neck, I smiled and Marlene, Sirius, James, and I came in for a group hug and Professor McGonagall inspected Alice's arm, "Sprained, nothing serious, Mr. Thomas, take her to the Hospital Wing." Frank stood up angrily, "With all due respect Professor, I am her soulmate. I should be taking her not him." Professor McGonagall glared, "Well then Mr. Longbottom, maybe you ought to think before you throw her under the beds. Go on Mr. Thomas." Professor Dumbledore left and we all sat down on the beds, looking at the damage that they had done. She sighed and waved her wand, a red glow brightened the room and everything flew to their places. Marlene started dragging all of us outside, and the feeling of the sunshine on our faces was enough to let our bodies relax for a minute. James hugged me from behind, and I looked up with a smile plastered on my face like a child who had been told she was getting a unicorn for Christmas. It was nice to feel free, like nothing would ever harm us here, of course we all knew someday, we'd have to fight, someday, we would have to give our lives for something bigger than we could ever be, but today, we'll enjoy the sun. I could see Marlene and Sirius splashing in the Black Lake and Remus was upstairs talking about tutoring Sirius' cousin, Tonks in Astrology, and James and I were just relaxing under the shade of one of the trees. Maybe one day, the next generation will have a calmer life, one without Death Eaters bashing down doors and Bellatrix cackling at the doorstep, but now, we will fight for them, I'll miss Hogwarts once we graduate, I haven't a clue what Marlene and I are doing with our friendship with Alice, and I don't know what will happen to all of us in the mere future, and maybe for now, we'll just sleep under the the shade of this tree.

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