Chapter 7

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The entire student body along with the faculty stood in mourning in front of the body that had once been the body of my Herbology classmate, Emmeline. Sniffs and sobs rang out as the mahogany casket moved forward with Hagrid carrying the front and Professor McGonagall levitating the back and I could see her silent sobs as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

Professor Dumbledore raised his wand solemnly, he spoke in a soft voice as he said, "Here we see, the lovely lady that was Emmeline McCorman, she excelled in Herbology and Charms and we have lost a young innocent life in this horrid war against the Dark." Professor McGonagall raised her wand as her shoulders shook, "Ms. McCorman was a brilliant lady, who in turn gave her life to protect young McCorman-" Everyone turned to look at Vanessa, the younger sister of Emmeline, who's face was red with her tears. "- we see here the lady that lived her life well, and she is part of our inspiration in our fight to win this war." The rest of Hogwarts raised their wands and recited, "To Emmeline McCorman, one who lost her life for the greater-" A cold wind burst open the Great Hall's doors, a tall Death Eater stood, with a black and grey fog of some sort whirled around him.

Professor Dumbledore raised his wand in a fighting stance and with a sharp, cold voice that I had never heard him use, he remarked, "I see one Death Eater has made its way back to its original home, Mr. Malfoy Senior II, to what do we owe the pleasure?" "Oh calm down Albus." He sneered nastily as Professor McGonagall rushed around telling prefects to go hurry and bring their houses back to the safe feeling of the common room, but Bellatrix stayed put with a look of power on her face.

The Death Eater looked at her with a wide but sinister smile, "Ah there you are darling! Come here my precious little angel, Uncle Malfoy II has come to take you back from this school!"

She grinned and ran to his outstretched arms, they left together and the fog disappeared and doors closed, the only proof they had been there at all were the terrified looks on our faces. Professor McGonagall waved her wand and suddenly the doors had wide iron gates across them, preventing anyone from entering or exiting, she rushed us to the dormitories and I heard her mutter ever so slightly, "Ms. Black, why could you not be more kind and sweet of heart as Andromeda?" Andromeda Black. She was a Slytherin but her heart was golden, she had looked horrified as her elder sister had rushed right into the arms of her father's friend, Malfoy Senior II, now she looked back at the closed off gates as though hoping for a sign that her sister would turn for the better.

I watched Ted Tonks drape an arm around her shoulders as she stood there, so fragile. I could feel an arm draping slowly around my own shoulders and I could feel a warm rush of air as I heard Potter speak, "They won't get you Evans, you are protected here." That one sentence meant so much as Marlene and Alice came rushing towards me, arms outstretched as they exclaimed, "Lils! Are you okay, my goodness Bellatrix Black has left for the Dark Lord!" I returned their hug and Alice looked at Potter and said, "I was wondering when I'd get to interrogate, um I mean meet the soulmate of Lily." Marlene laughed, "She did this to Black, don't worry Potter."

He looked nervous as Alice shooed Marlene and I out of the room. I heard Alice inquire, "So, are you a dog person or a cat person?" I immediately thought about the sweet orange cat that I had seen in the pet shop in Diagon Alley a few days prior to leaving for Hogwarts. Potter's voice rang out with a laugh, "Cats of course. My mum has got one back at Godric's Hollow, he's a sweetheart." I could just feel the grin playing on Alice's lips, by then Potter came stumbling out of the room looking slightly shaken and Marlene says brightly, "My turn for interrogation!" Potter runs but I can see a smile starting to play on his lips as he leaves.

We linked arms and walked back to the common room to hang out with the other house members and I began to wonder if the next generation of students would have such a life with You-Know-Who looming over them. Then I heard a loud smack as we drew nearer to the common room door, Marlene had slapped Sirius in the face I was guessing, I turned and instead of Black, I saw Robert McLaggen lying on the floor with his hand pressed to his cheek that was rapidly turning red.

He scrambled away and Marlene ran to the Great Hall, hopefully to get Sirius. I walked to Potions class alone, since neither Marlene or Alice had Potions with me, when I abruptly stopped, the classes were cancelled, the Death Eater's entrance had put everyone on guard and even Professor Dumbledore was practicing his curses. I had read about a few particularly nasty curses that could would make anyone fall down and weep, but I had never tried any curse except for the Bat Bogey Hex which we learned in 3rd year. I wanted to try a few simple curses, anything that could help me protect my friends and family. We had been given strict instructions not to leave our dormitories until further notice on how the Death Eater got in the school boundaries, so I followed the group back to the Gryffindor dorms when I overheard Severus and his friends Avery, Nott, and Black, talking.

"I can't believe Malfoy Senior II was here! He is one amazing pure blood follower, isn't he Avery?" I heard Severus whisper. "Sure is Snape, one of the best there is, my father's said he's never met a man who treated blood purity with such respect!" A voice answered quietly, whose I determined to be Severus' friend Avery. "Well I think he should of chose one of us to go along with Trixie when he came." "I- I think he should've done something to the Gryffindor's while he still was here in action!"

A small squeak came out from beside them, Regulus Black, Sirius' younger brother stood with a hopeful glance at his friends, as though hoping he would get their approval. I refused to listen to anymore of their horrid chatter as I turned back to go to the common room. Suddenly that same fog that had covered Malfoy Senior II had blurred my sight and I couldn't determine where I was going, then I could feel my consciousness leaving, and the last thing I heard was Bellatrix saying, "This, Uncle Malfoy is the mudblood who Potter's soulmate is."

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