Chapter 8

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I blinked a couple of times, not knowing where in the name of Merlin I was.
"Ahh, so the mudblood wakes."
A cold voice sneers at me, "Potter's soulmate even, pity such pure blood could be wasted on this........disgrace."

I felt my blood boil at his words, I was worth everything a pure blood was. Right? I began to doubt myself when I heard the harsh laugh of Bellatrix ring out loudly, "Oh Uncle Malfoy, I'm so glad you took me out of that school. My teachers made me associate myself with freaks like these!" The same cold voice seemed to smile as he replied with "My darling Bella, I will show you how to use these loved ones as bait for pure blood traitors. Doesn't it pain you so to see our pure blooded brothers and sisters just let themselves be associated with these people who aren't even of our blood?" Why the way they spoke about me was as though I was a filthy creature! But the voice continued speaking, "You know that young Black, your now disowned cousin, Sirius Black? Walburga was of right mind to burn him off the family tapestry along with that infant, what was her name? That Nymphadora. Just as soft hearted she will be, as her mother that one."

The was he spoke the names of Tonks and Sirius, made my blood boil again, he spoke their names as though he was naming acids and poisons!

Then again, this was a Death Eater, he probably spoke of deadly poisons more fondly than he spat out the names of Sirius and his cousin. He looked at his moving picture, "You know, Potter and his friends should be on their way to get this mudblood any moment. This will be that Potter's father's payback for dumping our poor Adrienne." I gathered up my strength and courage to shout, "You leave my friends out of this!" It came out as a small, pitiful squeak, definitely not the strong, deafening yell I had imagined in my head, and they laughed at me as I struggled to get out off the ropes that they bound me in.

The ropes were scarily hot and I could see marks on where they were binding me. Bellatrix laughed maliciously, "Don't even bother trying to struggle, the ropes can only be broken by metal that comes from the depths of Gringgots." I internally groaned, how was I supposed to get out without having any supply with me? Much less the metal from Gringgots.
Then, an idea popped into my head, that necklace that my mum had given me before they had to hide from the Death Eaters, what had she said about it? 'Made of metal, but beware, from Gringgots it is, use it if you despair.' I struggled to check if they had taken my necklace, I looked downwards and groaned as I saw my necklace gone, I had left it back at Hogwarts because of the no-jewelry funeral!

Suddenly, I heard the door crash down and a huge cloud of dust rose up from the hinges, I shut my eyes tightly and didn't breath for the hope of not suffocating. "Where is she?" a loud voice echoed throughout the room, I was worried, had more Death Eaters come to help them kill me? Then a voice that I recognized clearly rang out with an annoyed tone, "You're going to scare Lils off before we even get to rescue her." Marlene and Potter had come to help me! Wait, where was Alice?

Then, all the dust disappeared and Potter and Marls stood there in the doorway. I tried to look around where Malfoy and Bellatrix was, I felt as though the chill in the air was the two glaring eyes of Malfoy, watching their every move. "Lils!" Marlene rushed forward, trying to tug the chains off me, I opened my mouth to tell her it was no use when all of a sudden, I heard a snap, and the chains lay broken on the floor, glowing red before crumbling into ashes. Marlene grinned proudly, raising her hand to show me a small piece of metal in her hand, "Thought this might come in handy" I grinned and rushed to hug her. "Where's Alice?" Marlene rolled her eyes, "Precious Frank wouldn't allow her to risk her life." A cough came from behind me and James stood there with a grin on his face, I rolled my eyes playfully and gave him a hug and he turned and slowly placed his lips on mine, his lips were soft as I placed my hands in his hair, then Marlene coughed, "No P.D.A."

We laughed and turned around to run and leave when metal gates rose all around us, trapping us from going anywhere. "So this is the young Potter spawn, how's your mother?" A cold voice sneered at us. James paled visibly, clenching his fist, he yelled, "You keep my mother out of this!" "Well, well no need to be rude, maybe if you will be nicer and agreeable we need not kill your precious friend, mudblood or your mother." James shook violently, "What do you want?" "Ah, you younglings will never understand my desires, I don't want things such as the new Nimbus, I don't want to meet the Holyhead Harpies, I want pure rule over the wizarding world with my master as king."

Bellatrix had showed up in front of us, "I never understood why we, people with magic in our blood! Need associate ourselves with these people with nothing good about themselves."

Marlene stood up, her eyes darkening, "Is that why, your own blood dares make out with muggles?" Bellatrix shrieked in horror, "You dare compare someone of such lowliness to the Black name!" Marlene stood her ground, "Then Sirius is that lowliness you've just called, and having the dreadful soulmate responsibility, it now calls for attack."

She raised her wand slowly, when Bellatrix laughed, "Magic-proof case! You're never getting out of there." Marlene took the metal out again and scratched it against the gate, it made horrible screeching noises but it didn't make any difference. We sighed and sat down, when a loud voice rang out, "Let them go Bella! Your magic has never been a match for mine."

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