Chapter 1

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Great another weekend at the Hogwarts dormitory, alone, my best friend and one of my dorm mates, Alice Prewitt was out with her soulmate, as the lucky girl she was her clue on her wrist faded 1 year ago when she found her soulmate Frank Longbottom at Hogsmeade. While my other roommate and best friend Marlene McKinnon, was out looking at clothes with her cousin McKenzie McKinnon. Out of my group of best friends, only Alice had found her soulmate. I could play Soulmate Hunting and go out and look for my soulmate, but I was so darn tired from exams last week that I didn't feel like doing anything. So, instead I decided to pull out Quidditch Through the Ages and read until it was lunch time.

The door creaked open, thinking it was Marlene or Alice, I kept reading but then a voice said "Hello?". It wasn't even a girl's voice in the girl's dormitory, it was a man's! (Yes, that's technically impossible but pretend it's not thanks!)I kept up and grabbed the heavy textbook on my bedside table and shouted "Who are you? What do you want? And why are you in my dorm?" "Woah, calm down Miss.....?" the guy said. "Evans, Lily Evans." "Well then Miss Evans, your dorm number is 492 and I was told by Headmaster Dumbledore to go to dorm 492." "Well he obviously meant you to head over to the girls dormitory not the boys. Didn't he?" my voice laced with sarcasm. "Oh," he blushed scratching his neck nervously. "Well then could you give me directions to the boys dorm?" "Fine, go straight down the hall and make a left, you'll see a split of paths, go down the one that says 400-500 and look for your numbered dorm, Mr...?" "Potter, James Potter." "Mr.Potter." "Alright you've been a great help I'll see you around Lily." I sighed then realized he had a band around his left wrist........could he possibly? Could that cute boy actually be my soulmate?

I was debating with myself if I really wanted to go down the corridor and look for him or if I was just desperate because I was nearing my teens. I decided against it and went back into bed trying to find a comfortable position to read in. I finished my book, and set it down wondering what I would do now. Then my stomach growled, I laughed and went down to the great hall. I saw James laughing with his newfound friends, Sirius Black, known for dressing up like in leather jackets, Remus Lupin, a friend of mine who shared the love for books with me, and Peter Pettigrew, who....... liked cheese?

Yeah, liked cheese. James waved to me as I walked over to the line to get some food. I nodded curtly in response. I wondered as I joined the food line why the word 'Evans' was my clue. Why would my clue be my last name? It didn't make sense! "What can I get for you Miss Lily?" asked a house elf, Winky?. "I'll get the Treacle Tart please." "Yes Miss Lily." In a few seconds, I walked out, Treacle Tart in hand, going back to my dormitory. As I walked back I looked around the Great Hall to check if Pott- Marlene was back yet. I certainly wasn't here to check if James, I mean Potter, was still here. He was by the way. I refused to acknowledge Ja- Potter's presence, I suppose just because I didn't want to get my hopes up that he was my soulmate and then crushed at the fact that he wasn't. 

I didn't want to go back to the dorm alone but knowing Alice, she'd get back late and Marlene, would take ages with Mckenzie. I wanted to go to the library, but the librarian ,Irma Pince, wasn't there (so the library was closed) because her friend was sick and needed help with daily needs. Even though I didn't want to, I trudged up to the dorm when I felt a tap in my shoulder. "Potter?" I asked smoothly. "Hey Evans." I froze. "There's a Hogsmeade trip next week, go with me?" "No Potter." I responded not really thinking. "Fine then, next one eh?" He walked back to his friends with an audible sigh. I walked back to the dorm, wondering if I had been a bit harsh. I hadn't right? I'd only known him for a few hours, I wasn't harsh. Even as I told myself there was a small voice in my head saying ''But he was cute Lily, he might even be your soulmate! Subconscious........ I continued my walk up to the dorms when I heard a laugh, it was an odd laugh, as though she couldn't decide between wether to giggle or to cackle. I walked towards the laugh almost in a trance, then I slammed into a wall. The laugh was gone, I had traveled all the way across the halls to hear it and now it was gone and I believed I was near the dorm of Bellatrix Black. I shivered and carefully tiptoed across the hallway, Bellatrix was almost an enemy but I couldn't prove it so Headmaster Dumbledore said that Bellatrix would be in Gryffindor Dorm for a few days then she'd transfer back to Slytherin. I couldn't figure out what the Headmaster was trying to accomplish, Bellatrix wasn't helping Gryffindor win the House Cup! I realized I didn't know what house Jam- Potter, was in. He could be a Gryffindor or maybe a Ravenclaw, but he had been hanging out with Gryffindors...... I ran back to my dorm and laid on my bed, I hadn't though I fell asleep but I woke up to Marlene shaking me awake, almost 2 hours later! "Lils!! I just got back with Mckenzie and guess what?!" "What is it Marlene?" "She's found her soulmate! That lucky cousin of mine is Soulmates with Amos Diggory!" I just sat there shell-shocked, Marlene's relative had just become soulmates with Amos Diggory. The Amos Diggory from Hufflepuff........who gained Hufflepuff 30 points in the last Cup. Lucky Mckenzie. "Lily! Hey Lily!" "What?" "You zoned out a little you okay?" "Yeah I'm good, did you hear there's a new boy at school Marlene?" "No way! I thought Hogwarts wouldn't accept new students, it's our 3rd year." Just as I opened my mouth to reply, Alice came bursting through the door, metaphorically of course. She was smiling so hard her cheeks were sure to hurt tomorrow. "GUYS!!!!" "What?" I asked looking back down at my book. "I met a new boy at Hogwarts and he has a band around his wrist!" "So? A ton of boys have bands around their wrist, even Frank used to." "Yes but this boy has his on his LEFT wrist! This boy is Lils' soulmate!" At that remark I stared in shock "How are you so sure? Besides who is this boy?" "James Potter, he's going to try out for seeker on our Quidditch team!" "So he is a Gryffindor?" "Yup!"

Marlene frowned, " I don't want to be alone when Lils finds her soulmate!" "What are you talking about Marlene? Lily will still be our best friend!" "You're already gone most of the time with Frank! I don't want Lils to be gone too!" "Chill Marlene, I'll be fine." "But Lils!" "It's ok Marlene!" "Let's have a girls night tomorrow!" "I'm in! Alice?" "But Frank...." Marlene's cheeks were red, "But Frank what?!!!" she almost shouted out. "Frank wants a date." said Alice carefully. "Alice!" I said. "We haven't had a girls night in ages! Tell Frank you can't do tomorrow!" "Yeah Alice! You don't want to miss a girls night do you?" said Marlene a bit calmer now. "No....but." "Alice!! Are you saying yes or not?" "Fine. I'll tell Frank." "YAY GIRLS NIGHT!!" Marlene joyfully danced around. "Ok! Let's do it!" We finally calmed down and went to do our own stuff. I had Potions with Slughorn and Alice is off to Charms. Marlene went Soulmate Hunting, over around the grounds. Well, I have a girls night tomorrow to look forward to don't I? Can't wait.

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