Chapter 5

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I woke with a start as I heard a screech near my bedside, I turned my head and promptly burst out laughing. Marlene was in her bed, covered from head to toe in a sticky caramel mess, I might mention that Sirius Black, himself was standing over her with an empty melted caramel container from Honeydukes, looking extremely pleased with himself. "BLACK! YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO RUN RIGHT NOW OR SUFFER EXTREME CONSEQUENCES.",

Marlene rose out of her bed, swaying slightly, definitely not drunk as she had been two nights ago, but you never would've guessed that it was two nights only. She's been complaining how she's never drinking firewhiskey again and again, we all know she going to- *crash* with a jerk, I turned my head and burst out in yet another round of laughter, Sirius Black was lying on the ground with pieces of wooden table lying around him.

I couldn't quite hear the conversation between the two teens but I was sure Marlene was going to go completely outraged for the feast of the week. Alice came in suddenly, her eyes weren't their normal blue-ish grey though, the had a more silver tint to them as though someone poured silver glitters all over her eyes. She held out a golden cup filled with a strange orange-red liquid that had a strong fragrance that seemed to be a mix between butterbeer and.......lilies?

"Lils, have a taste of this sweet petunia caramel, even Marlene loves it!" she held out the cup invitingly, as though urging me to taste it. I frowned, Alice had never called Marlene as Marlene before, she always called her Marls. I glanced at Marlene and then I caught a glimpse of her wrist. There on the clue of her soulmate I saw it turn a bright gold before it faded into a light grey instead of its normal black color. I lunged and tore the cup out of Marlene's hands, "Lils!" She whined, "that was such good caramel!" I quickly hissed out of Alice's earshot, "check your wrist." Her eyes widened and she pulled away her beaded bracelets, she gasped as she saw the grey words instead of her original black ones. She flung the cup and hit the ground and the liquid stained the red-gold carpet of the common room. Alice's eyes returned to their normal blue-grey and she looked around confusedly, "What happened? All I remember was Dorcas handing me a cup of this liquid and she urged me to try it.......and then I rushed to show it to you and..." her eyes widened, "who drank any of it?" Marlene raised her hand, "I tried some of your caramel." Alice paced back and forth, finally saying, "I remember it now, it wasn't Dorcas who gave me that liquid it, it was Snape."

She studied the liquid that had spilled on to the carpet that was now slowly turning an orange color. "I read about this in the Daily Prophet, this is You-Know-Who's Death Eaters trying to rid the clue on our wrists." My eyes widened in shock as I sat down, I whispered, "It's true then, what Potter said?" Marlene frowned at her grey words, "Will they go back to normal?" Alice said in reply, "If you didn't drink the entire cup, give it 3 days." Marlene pulled down her bracelets again with a sigh, we all stayed silent, immersed way too deep in our thoughts. Suddenly the door banged shut and Ja- Potter came with puffy eyes and his hair was even more ruined than normal. He sat down, not taking notice of any of us and put his head in his hands. Marlene and Alice quickly picked up their things and left the common room.

I did the most un-lily-like thing and wrapped my arms around his torso, "James? Are you okay?" James looked at me in shock, he whispered almost inaudibly, nervousness lacing his every word, "It' father's been killed, my mother thinks she was why he got killed, with her being an Auror and all. But....I found out that he....actually used to date one of the death eaters and she killed him for leaving her for my mother." I stayed there, hugging him, after awhile his tears had subsided and his sobs had become more calm and he breathed more evenly. "Thank you Lily." I frowned, "I liked Evans better, Potter." He took a deep breath and said, "Evans, may I take a look at your right wrist?" I slumped, I knew it was too good to hope, he was a normal one, meaning he wasn't my soulmate. I sighed and whispered, "Only Marls, Alice and you know okay? I'm not a normal, I'm one of the two, what they call, sinistram carpi, so I'm a left-wristed."

Nothing too bad could come out from this right? I put my head down, waiting for him to leave to take in the information, but instead a wide grin spread across his face. "You're one of them too?" I perked up,one of them too? Perhaps he did know someone who was a sinistram carpi! I wouldn't be soulmate-less anymore! With a smile, now more cute than arrogant, he lifted up his wristband on his left wrist revealing one word, 'Potter'. I almost yelled with joy, here he was, right in front of me, my very own soulmate. I grinned, pulling up my pearl bracelets, revealing my clue I had been hiding so long from others, now, I finally watched my words and my soulmate's words glow a faint silver before finally, after 14 years of waiting to find out my soulmate, disappearing.

Potter- James was looking at his wrist with the same awestruck appearance, he laughed and pulled me close to him, in his arms and then with a grin, whispered, "I get my soulmate before Sirius, and that means you're special. I always knew it." I smiled softly, it felt nice to be called special, instead of hearing freak or disgrace in my ears by Petunia.

Imagine, I, Lily Evans, was being called special, for being who I am. I loved it already.

(A/N: Hey Everybody! This book reached 200 reads?!?? I'm so proud, thanks for all your support! Tell you what, if anyone answers my question correctly first, before let's say Oct. 30, 2016, gets a mention in the next chapter. So here's the question for you, Where, when, and how were James and Lily Potter murdered? Good Luck Everyone! Bye!)

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