Chapter 9

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Avery came in the room, instead of the Sirius I was expecting, holding some of my clothing, he shoved them in my arms, saying, "Put this on. We're heading to the muggle world." Bellatrix frowned, "What are you to do with them there Avery?" His eyes twitched, "Bella, I am just to punish them in the muggle world instead of here, orders from Sire himself." Her eyes widened, "Sire spoke to you?" He grinned nastily, "Of course, I am a trained follower and your magic will be combined with mine to be strong followers of the Dark Lord!"

Bellatrix frowned but agreed to let him torture us. Not wanting to upset the Death Eater in training, I slipped on the shirt and pants he gave me. Marlene stood by my side in her own clothes, looking furious. James had been put into a flannel and jeans and he looked adorable but his face showed absolutely no mercy, Avery opened the door and shoved us out.

I looked around, we seemed to be somewhere near Diagon Alley, Marlene pointed at the familiar Florence Fortesque Ice Cream sign, "Look at that, they sent us right back to Diagon Alley." James walked off, leaving Marlene and I alone, I walked into Madame Malkin's to look if any helpful wizards could come help us go back to Hogwarts, to my shock, James was already there, talking to one of the elderly wizards in the store.

James turned and saw us standing there, looking guilty, he motioned for us to come closer, "This is my Grandfather Henry, he's agreed to bring us to Hogwarts using his Ministry car."

The elderly wizard gave us a kind smile, "Which one of you younglings is Lily?" I raised my hand, "That would be me sir." His grin grew wider, "Welcome to the family, young Lily." I blushed crimson and James came and put his arm around my shoulder, "This is Marlene Grampa, she's soulmates with Padfoot."

He smiled kindly at her, "Nice to meet you Marlene, treat that boy kindly now, he's had a rough childhood, that poor boy." Marlene looked shocked, so was I, Black? Rich and arrogant Black? He clasped his hands together and with a smile, he said, "Let's get a moving then, I'm sure they're horribly anxious to see what has become of you young ones."

We now sat comfortably in the back of a well worn Ministry car, and Granpa Henry, as he made us call him, had made sure we were well rested and well nourished before he started driving the car. It was a long road to Hogwarts and there were many cars on the muggle roads, making the trip even longer. Finally, we stopped in front of the castle and we thanked him over and over while he shooed us off with a kind smile. The gates opened and Professor McGonagall rushed to us with a worried look in her eyes, "Miss Evans! Mr Potter! Miss McKinnon! Whatever nonsense did you get yourself in this time?" We rushed to tell her the story word for word and by the time we had finished she had gone deathly white. "They let you off so easily, I don't like that they just let you go like that." We glanced at each other nervously, had they really had some motive behind us?

Sirius came forward with a smile on his face, "I see you guys are alright after all!" Professor McGonagall left quickly to go to Professor Dumbledore. In his hand, I caught sight of a small flask, filled with a liquid that was dark brown, he caught sight of me staring and quickly hid the flask. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, was that Polyjuice? James started walking towards the Black Lake and I rushed out with Marlene to follow him, James sat down beside the tree and promptly began to cry, Marlene left awkwardly but I stayed, with one arm, I carefully wrapped my arm around his trembling torso. "Evans, I'm so sorry you always witness me so vulnerable." He managed to whisper to me, I smiled gently, "Don't worry James, I'm here." He smiled happily and pulled me in for a hug, I snuggled down in his arms, resting my head on his chest as he placed his hands in mine.

A flash went off and I blinked, Marlene's voice rang out, "You guys are so cute! You're right Sirius, this is so much fun!" A laugh rang out loudly and the voices disappeared slowly, James started laughing and it was contagious, I began to giggle, growing into full on laughter. James pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it front of me, "Lily, my mom heard all about my soulmate and gave me my great-grandmother's necklace for you." I looked at the box and saw a lovely little diamond charm hanging from a silver chain, "I can't possibly take this!" James just smiled and put it around my neck, neither of us feeling the new chill in the air that seemed to have an eerie whistle to it. Marlene's scream rang out through the air, so fast, that it was gone as soon as it had come, we stood up and ran towards the Hogwarts castle, trying to find Marlene.

Before we got to the entrance door, we found Marlene weeping over a body, it wasn't just anyone's body, when you bent over it, it was the body of Sirius.

James knelt down quietly, "What happened to him?" Marlene looked up, "A snake came slithering near us as we were about to go in the castle, it opened its mouth and it was a vibrant green color all throughout its mouth, it sunk its teeth deep into Sirius' leg before I managed to kill it off." She held up a sharp stone that glistened with fresh blood that seemed to glow an bright green. James lifted up Sirius upon his shoulders, "We have to get him to the Hospital Wing." I rushed forward to open the gates, and with a clang, they opened widely.

James trudged through the mud that had gone from shallow to deep within seconds, I helped Marlene through the mud, and finally, covered in mud, we had made it to the entrance of the castle.

Professor Flitwick came rushing towards us, "Is that Mr. Black? We must get him to the Hospital Wing!" Professor Kettleburn came forward to examine the wound once he was properly placed in the care of Madame Pomfrey, "Looks like a basilisk bite, but then they also look scarily similar to that of a morsus anguis, which has been thought to be extinct for centuries!"

Marlene held out the stone with the blood of the creature, and Professor Kettleburn took it carefully and her eyes widened, "This is no Morsus Anguis! This is the blood of a long extinct occidere istic, we must work quickly. We need Mr. Black to live, don't we?"

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