Chapter 4

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Things are going brilliant between the three of us, Alice is usually with us and she tells us if she needs time for a date with Frank. Marlene has been ordering mocha drinks everywhere she goes, trying to find her soulmate. Me? Well I still can hope it may be Potter. I couldn't focus on my book, You-Know-Who had already killed off Alice's grandmother and I couldn't stand it if my own family was ruined all because of me being a Muggleborn, Tuney already hated me, I wouldn't stand if....if well they were killed. I wouldn't stand it if anyone was killed, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, and I'll admit it even those Marauders boys.

I stared outside the window looking at the sun that was slowly descending behind the Black Lake, I could almost feel myself drifting...... drifting ..."LILY EVANS WAKE UP!" I shook my head, startled, "I'm awake!" I saw the laughing face of Marlene and she said "What were you dreaming about Lils? A certain Potter?" "What? No!" Marlene laughed "It's so fun to joke with you! Come on Lils you've been sleeping for two hours! Let's do something!" She said, bouncing around the room.

I narrowed my eyes, "Have you had anything to drink Marls?" "I don't know! I tried some of the firewhiskey in the Great Hall and had maybe 8 cups of it!" I groaned, this was going to be awhile. "So Marls, why don't you try to see if you can run down to the Great Hall and back again without getting tired." I joke. "Ok!" and she rushed off, wait....she rushed off? Oh no! She's going to pass out in the middle of the stairways! I jumped up and brushed my hair to look at least a little decent, then I took off before Marls could pass out in the middle of the hallway.

As soon as I turned the corner, I bumped into someone, just my luck! It was Potter, "Excuse me Potter, but I have to get Marlene before she passes out!" "Ok, well seeing as you've fallen for me I suppose I'll let you be now." I let a light pink tint cover my cheeks as I reply, "Don't get too arrogant Potter." Then off I go, rushing as I almost fly to the Great Hall, I give an audible sigh of relief, Marlene was there drinking......drinking?! I grabbed the cup, "No Marls, you've had enough alcohol today and for the rest of the month!" "Aww Lils....just one more?" "No...." She pouted, placing the cup back on the table.

Sighing, I poured some pumpkin juice into a cup and took a few deep gulps before taking a breath. Just as I sighed and took a seat, Marlene said "I feel dizzy...." she swayed a bit and with a thump, she passed out next to me. I groaned.....if I didn't get her off the table, Professor McGonagall would drag her to the Hospital Wing and I didn't want that...not after she accidentally slapped Madame Pomfrey and screamed bloody murder.

I shouldn't be standing up for Marlene, being prefect and all, but I mean she was drunk.....ok never mind that. With that thought in mind, I slowly pulled Marlene back to the dorm. "HEY EVANS!" I mentally groaned, I already had to drag Marlene back to the dorms, couldn't I just drag her back without having Potter interrogate me?! "What is it Potter?" I growled, "Merlin Evans, no need to get feisty! It's not me who's dragging their best friend across the corridor." I frowned, no need to get feisty huh? I snarled, "Well Potter, seeing as I am Slughorn's star student and a prefect, I suggest you go on about you're business before I personally call a professor." He looked hurt as he said, "Sorry Evans...I'll be on my way then." as he walked away I immediately felt bad as he looked so dejected. "Miss Evans!" a professor's voice called, "what in the name of Merlin are you doing dragging Miss McKinnon across the floor?" I turned crimson as Professor McGonagall looked pointedly at me. "Um well Professor, you see Marlene had a bit of firewhiskey." "Say no more Miss Evans, for this reason only, you have been granted permission to use magic in the corridor." "Thank you Miss!" She turned with a swish of her emerald cloak and I levitated Marlene back to the dormitory with a sigh.

What a turn of events, maybe I should've wished for that peaceful day after all, but then again, it wouldn't be same old Hogwarts without the excitement, now would it?

(AN: Haha, finally got this chapter up! Sorry it's kinda short 😝 I was really busy but this book reached 100 reads!! Thanks so much!! You're all the best!)

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