Chapter 20

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And that's when the panic started to set in, "Marlene! Marlene!" Stumbling and yawning, Marlene came down the stairs, "It's 11 am Lils, what's the matter?"

Did I happen to mention that Marlene's rubbish at waking up early?

"James is gone! He's left to get Sirius!" Marlene's eyes flew open, "Why'd you let him go?!" "I didn't, I promise! It's just like one moment 'poof' he's gone!" She stared out the window and sighed, "Let's make some breakfast first, then we have to go look." I nodded and headed in to the kitchen, obviously there wasn't much, my parents, Sirius, and James were gone, I myself was dreadfully worried about casually strolling alone now.

I pulled out a loaf of bread and some meat that seems to look like turkey? Putting together a couple sandwiches, I wondered why James had been so hurried in his decision to go, after all he was known for pranks, doesn't that mean that he ought to know that planning things is key?

James' POV:

Where was I? I hadn't meant to disappear, speaking of which I hope Evans figures out quickly enough that I was under age to apparate. I glanced around me, there was practically nothing at all that seemed helpful, a couple trees and some grass. I pondered 'Can humans eat grass?' Then I panicked, patting my pockets I realized I didn't have my wand. That's so odd, I could've sworn I had brought it.

Something out of the corner of my eye moved suddenly, stepping backwards quietly I grabbed a stick off the floor and held it out, it might not be a wand but I counts for something right?

Almost in a blink of an eye, the trees were twisting their branches together, forming a tall barrier that even the small pieces of grass underneath me seemed to wither immediately. The trees came closer and closer, until finally stopping almost an inch from my glasses, I pounded against the wood, but it was useless. The wood was much sturdier than I had hoped and I couldn't even see anything clearly due to the only light being almost a foot away from me.

I refused to die trapped in a couple of leaves and branches, I screamed and pounded with all my might, but when night fell, the most incredible thing happened. A voice cried out, "Bombarda!" The trees fell around me in a heap, I looked forward, my eyes trying to adjust to the night-time skies. Remus Lupin stood in front of me, I leaped forward, "Moony! Moony!" I was so relieved, he grinned at me. "Please tell what you were doing in my forest?" "Your forest?" I blanched, "Of course, I must have run straight out of the house when I heard the screams." "I don't know what happened! I was in Evans' house and then boom I disappeared!"

Moony frowned thoughtfully, "I haven't been around here since break began," he admitted, "We got a message from Padfoot a ages ago, telling us there was another enemy to beware of. I haven't been in the forest to transform since that letter came."

Then, a figure of a gigantic creature with horns loomed over us, there was a giant crash, and suddenly everything went black.

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