Chapter 3

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During Slughorn's Party,

"Lily! Lily!" I spun around trying to find where the voice was coming from. Aha! It's coming from Alice? "Hey Alice!" "Did you hear what is going to happen?" She was almost in tears. "What's wrong? What's going to happen?" "If we don't stop You-Know-Who, he'll remove the existence of clues on our wrists for the future generations!" I froze, no clues on their wrist? My child not knowing for sure if who he was going to marry was his actual soulmate.

It was absolutely horrifying, You-Know-Who already killed, tortured, and completely ruined innocent lives, but the thought of not knowing a soulmate.

"What about Headmaster Dumbledore? Surely, he must want to help do something!" "Oh Lily, Dumbledore already wants to help, but he says the most he might do is make an antidote, and everyone knows they don't always work." At this James came rushing, "It's true then? What the news is in the Daily Prophet? You-Know-Who is actually going to remove the clues of the future generations?" "Nonsense Prongs!" A loud voice came from Sirius Black, " Everybody knows that in order to do that he'll need followers and to gain followers he's going to need the Slytherins and Dumbledore won't let him come here." "But what about those who've graduated Black?" "Geez Lils I was only trying to lighten the mood." "Because you're so good at that Padfoot."

I laughed, wait but that was said by Potter..... "Aww look Evans you're actually laughing at something!" "Hush Potter." "Ow that really hurt, it's so upsetting you would say that." Alice laughed, "You two are already teasing each other with cute couple jokes!" I playfully swatted her, "You're supposed to be on my team!" "Sorry Lils I'm Team Jily!" "Their ship name is Lames!" "Wait, Alice where's Marls?" "Oh Arthur Weasley was going to take her but he came down with dragon pox yesterday." "Poor Marls." "Well she didn't want to wear a dress anyways." "I guess." "Evans, can I have just one dance?" Potter asked. I didn't want to, he hurt Sev, but then again, did I even know Sev anymore?

Maybe just one dance wouldn't hurt. I have to think of an answer quick! Aw but his messy hair looks so cute and... maybe one dance.. oh but of course I had to say "Ask me again at Christmas Potter, then we'll see." "Alright Evans." "Lily!, exclaimed Alice, "James was cute! I mean not Frank cute, but still cute!" "But Alice, I voiced something that had been worrying me for so long, "what if he isn't my soulmate, what if he just liked to wear a band on his left wrist?

You know how it was when I was dating that Lockhart boy from Ravenclaw!" "Lils, give him a chance, he seems to genuinely like you. Besides if he does date you for a dare like Lockhart, he'll have to answer Marls and me!" "I'll try at Christmas." "Ok Lils! Oh look it's Frank, you don't mind do you if I like went over and-" "Go ahead." Look off she goes, honestly I wished Alice would spend a little best friend time with me, but Marlene is already annoyed that Frank takes up all of Alice's time, she doesn't need me there too.

At some point I was ready to call Alice over from Frank for some nice chatter but I saw how happy she was with Frank, she deserved some happiness after her grandmother died. I wouldn't push it. Walking over to the table to get some food, I came to the party for two things, Fun and Food and not Potter- at least I don't think it's Potter maybe Potter oh bloody hell! "Lils!" I spun "Marls? How did you get in?" "Slughorn pitied me, I got a guest invite from Arthur!" "Brilliant!" "Where's Alice?" "With Frank." I could swear I saw Marlene almost breathe fire, "So you're telling me we were supposed to come as a group and Alice just went and danced with Frank?" "Well, she asked me but I now kind of want her here with us." "She's supposed to be over here with us! She said it was a girls night during Slughorn's party." She stomped over to Alice, "Oh but Marls!" "She said it was a girls night, all I wanted was one bloody night without her hanging around Frank!" "Marls, they're soulmates!" "I know but she can't sacrifice one bloody party for her best friends?" I opened my mouth then closed it, I wanted to defend Alice but what Malene said was true, it was a girls night. You can't skip out on those.

"Alice Prewett!" "Marls! Great you're here!" "What are you doing?" "I'm just hanging out with Frank, I wanted to dance a little." "What did I say this night was?" "A girls night I know but Marls!" "Don't Marls me! You know that girls night means girls no boyfriends." "I know Marls, but all I wanted was a little time with Frank." "Because you couldn't do one night with us instead. Come on Lils, let's go say bye to Slughorn and those James Potter and Sirius then we'll leave." Alice looked at me, eyes filled with regret, pleading "Lils, you know I just want a little time with Frank." I couldn't help it, I did need girl time and Alice wasn't agreeing. "Sorry Alice, but you know the rules of a girls night, and you broke one, all we wanted was a little girl time. Frank isn't a girl." Marlene stated, "Yeah Alice, we can't get a minute of your time over Frank so we'll just go." "Marls, Lils. I just thought a little time with Frank..." "Because you haven't been doing that all the time since you've found him! Come on Lils I just want to leave." "Ok" I turned around once on the way back to the dorm, Alice looked like she was going to leave Frank then she turned at the last minute and I followed Marlene.

"I just don't understand! Alice would rather stay the entire night with Frank than just us it's one bloody night!" We heard a creak of the door, "Who is it who's there?" I grabbed a textbook. "I-it's me Al-Alice." I lowered my text book, Marlene scoffed "Why are you here? You're supposed to be with your soulmate." "Marls, you know that I just wanted a little time with him, I know I shouldn't have but its Frank!" "Yes Alice, and what are we then? Chopped liver?" "Marls, I'm sorry that I went and left you two on a girls night." "You knew it's not supposed to be boyfriends with us on a girls night next time maybe it should be just Lils and I, because you don't seem to want a girls night with us." I gasped at Marlene's harsh words, I couldn't say anything, I froze. "No! Marls! I'm sorry please!" Marlene huffed "I'm scheduling another girls night on Friday next week, you get this chance if you tell me or Lils that you have a date, dinner, or anything with Frank. We're going to start having girls nights without you. Right Lils?" I thought about it and then I said "Yeah, you'll remain our best friend during the week but if there's Frank on Friday, we can't promise sorry Alice." "I promise! No Frank on Friday or any more girls nights!" "Good now who wants food?"

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