Chapter 6

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Shoutout to: @MissKnowItAll0123 she answered my question in a very detailed manner so CONGRATS! Also huge thanks to all of you who comment, vote, and read my story! It makes me so happy! Anyways, here is your chapter!

I lay in bed, thinking about all that had happened the night before. I hadn't told anyone yet, my parents were out in hiding and I didn't know when was right to tell Alice and Marls. I glanced at my left wrist out of habit and saw that the Evans that had been there since birth had now fully disappeared from my wrist.

Now that it was gone, I missed my unusual tattoo, I missed having my secret word that only certain people could know. I glanced at the time, it was already 7:30?! I rushed out of bed slipping on a pair of jeans under my Gryffindor robes, I placed a pair of black flats to top it off and rushed down to the Great Hall.

"Lils!" Marlene's voice rang out, I grinned and rushed towards her happily. "Hey Marls! Where's Alice?" She frowned, "Off with her soulmate, they have the whole day planned......say, why are you in uniform? They said that today you could wear whatever." I looked at the calendar, shoot, that was what it said, with a grin I replied, "I'll change later, guess what?" "You found your soulmate?" Marlene joked. "Yes!" Her eyes widened and she let out a laugh, "So have I!" We hugged each other and began to take food off the plates, sausages, ham, scrambled eggs and tomatoes......"So, who's your lucky boy?" Marlene asked with a smile, "Tell me yours first!" "Fine on a count of three.....1...2...3!" "Potter!" "Black!" She grinned, "I told you! I told you! You and Potter were made for each other! I'll call you......Jily!" I smiled, "Then you and Black can be Blackinnon."

We laughed at our foolishness and finished up our breakfast, we went back to the dormitories and I changed into regular clothing. "Wear your cutest, an owl just arrived saying you and me are to be taken on a date in Hogsmeade!" Marlene called out to me, "Will do!" I hollered back. I glanced at my closet and threw on a black tank top and some ripped jeans, I grabbed a black and white shawl and put on a pair of heeled leather boots with a silver zipper on the side and checked the mirror, not too shabby for a date.

I put a hint of blush and lipstick and came out of the bathroom. Marlene came out of her dressing room with a pink shirt and white pants along with the turquoise-pink heels and earring set that I had bought for her over the summer at some muggle thrift shop, to top it off she had a turquoise bracelet and a rose quartz ring that Alice bought for her Christmas gift last year. She grinned and said, "Wow Lils, you look cute!" "You too!" We linked arms and walked out near the Black Lake and waited for James and Sirius.

Potter and Black came striding up to us and stopped suddenly when they saw us

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Potter and Black came striding up to us and stopped suddenly when they saw us. Marlene and I glanced at each other nervously, was it the outfit? Perhaps they didn't like heeled shoes? Finally Potter managed to stutter, "Y-you look great, s-stunning." Meanwhile Black was working on getting his signature smirk back on his face. Black motioned for us to leave and he showed us this large carriage that seemed to float on it's own, Marlene and I stood awestruck, looking at the floating silver carriage that we had as our ride. But James stood open-mouthed at the front of the carriage, as though looking at some magical creature, but that was ridiculous, there was nothing there. I waved my hand in front of Potter's face, "Anyone home Potter?"

He turned his head and said, "Can't you see them Evans? The black winged creatures?" I looked at him blankly, "The what Potter?" He pointed a finger at the front of the carriage, "Those creatures." "No? Let's go Potter, I think you're hallucinating." He sighed, "Maybe you're right, let's go." I pulled James back to the carriage and took a seat, I saw all sorts of sweets appear in front of us and Marlene hesitated and stuffed herself in the chocolates and ice cream. I laughed at Marlene and took some of the strawberries and cream pastries. Sirius looked at the chocolate and looked at the caramel, he said, "Watch, I can make this cubed caramel melt." He brought out a lighter and clicked it, Marlene looked at him in awe and James and I sat confused. Marlene let out an deafening shriek as Sirius moved the lighter flame ever so close to her hair. Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt and I looked outside the window. James led me outside to Three Broomsticks and we ordered some butterbeer as Marlene and Sirius walked off to Honeyduke's to buy candy.

"You know Evans, my mom's always told me that whoever my soulmate was; she would be the prettiest and the most worth it, I think she was right."

I blushed and said, "Honestly Potter, I think you were worth it too." The time flew right by as I enjoyed my Saturday afternoon with Potter, why didn't I say yes before? Gilderoy was never this fun and not to mention never this humble. Not long enough, the carriage let out a bell chime, signaling it was time to leave, Marlene came storming back and Sirius was pleading after. "Please Marlene, I'm sorry!" "NO! How dare you!?" She turned to me and said, "Lils, can we take a Hogwarts wagon back?" I agreed and said bye to Potter as we walked to the wagons. Marlene was expressionless as I could hear her muttering, "I don't care if he's my soulmate, he had no right to call Dorcas 'hot'." I looped my arm around her shoulder and chatted with her about everything, she told me all about what Sirius did and he's in big trouble with me.

I told her all about Potter and the date and she sighed in envy as she told me that I had the date she had dreamed of. We rode back to Hogwarts in silence, unaware of the terrible news that awaited us all.

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