Chapter 16

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I groaned and sat up, James stood over me anxiously, "Are you okay? You have a pretty bad bruise on you forehead...." I touched my forehead gingerly and winced as a small shot of pain seared through my forehead. I tried to recall what had happened last night, nothing. I groaned, "James, can you call for my parents? Their phone numbers are on my phone." James fidgeted nervously, "First, what's a phone? And second, um your parents were kinda abducted by a creepy black skeleton...." I shot up, and it all came back to me, the cloaked black, skeleton with withered skin fluttering on his cheekbone and jaws, with that metal hand that strangled James, "The note!" "The what?" I smacked my forehead in frustration, "There was a note right? After they disappeared, a note fluttered to the ground, and it said something!" At this point, I was pacing around the room, "It said, don't even try to look for them, you're messing with things you can a......a." I racked my brain, trying to remember the last word of the note, "Attack?" James questioned.'re messing with things you can attack! Of course! The note must be from someone on Dumbledore's side who was undercover at the Death Eater's side. I pecked James on the cheek, "You're brilliant! We have to search for this new villain, find my parents, and get them out!" "Sure yeah let's do th- WAIT WE'RE DOING WHAT?" I covered my ears, "We're saving my parents, come on I want to look for clues." I raced back to the living room, searching at the base of the couch, and around the tables, when I found something. A small piece of withered skin stuck on the lampshade, it look so delicate, like Japanese paper, that one wrong move would crumble it to pieces. I grabbed a pair of tweezers from the bathroom and slowly peeled it off the lamp, placing it in a small plastic container, I found James behind me, looking at something under the couch, I knelt down beside him.

"Found anything James?" He rose and opened up his palm, there was a small vial that held some dark red liquid, it had once carried a label, but the label had been torn and smudged off. I carefully twisted off the cap and inhaled deeply, it had a particularly odd scent and it was dark red, which crossed off Amortentia, Felix Felicis, and Veritaserum. I closed to bottle and slipped it in my pocket for safekeeping, James went back to search for things under the couch, this time, I knelt down beside him. I reached under the couch to look for anything that might help us, I felt around and my hand stopped on something warm and comforting, James' hand held mine for a couple minutes as we stared at each other happily, then I heard a gush of wind and a note blew in the window, finally, maybe this spy had seen us searching and decided we were worth helping.

I unclasped our hands and lunged for the note but it blew away from me, first it lead me to the kitchen where it stopped beside my wand, I carefully grabbed my wand and ran for the note, and away it blew once more. This time it landed on James' shoulder, where he tried to grab it but it had flown away and left a dark outline of a note on his shirt, I grabbed his hand and tucked my wand behind my ear, not something I normally do but hey, parents are pretty important when they're muggles like mine. The note made a final stop above the golden camera trinket that the Death Eaters had told me to use if I ever wanted to see James again, I hadn't because James, well, he was right here. The camera seemed to be glowing, so reaching for something I could hit it with, it burst into flames, but these flames were different, they weren't hot, nor did they seem to be dangerous, actually, they seemed to act like a communication system, I could see the sinister faces of the Death Eaters glaring at me, "So Lily, you will not converse with us anymore will you?" I stood my ground proudly, "No, be gone and do not contact me again." They grinned, "Well then you do not want to hear about your parents?" I froze, but James piped up, "You work for Mr. Blue-Cloak?" "Mr Blue-Cloak? Oh you mean His Highness?" James burst out laughing, "His Highness? Do you not know his real name?" They glared once more, "Only his enemies know his true name. If you really want to fight for your parents, follow that note." They swiped their hands through the fire and it disappeared, the note once again reappeared, finally staying put. I picked it up and read it over and over, "Not one to choose, not one to brag, look in the forest to take your snag."

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