Chapter 15

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James currently sat with his arm wrapped in a bandage and a warm cup of tea next to him, my father placed a hand on his shoulder and he began to calm down, James told us of how a Death Eater had taken them as soon as they had gotten comfortable in their cabin on the train, Sirius was taken somewhere else but he had managed to run out of the prison while the bodyguards slept beside his cell.

My father quickly locked down the house and we decided that Petunia might as well stay at the Dursley's over the week if James needed housing, my mother fawned over James as if he was a lost puppy which in a way, it suited him. James whispered in my ear that he was worried who was with Remus during tonight's full moon if he and Sirius weren't around, I patted his shoulder gently and told him not to worry and rushed upstairs to fetch him a spare shirt. However, a couple moments later, Petunia came bursting through the front door screaming, "MUM I NEED MY SPARE PJ'S AHHHH!" I rushed down the staircase, my pajama top fluttering behind me, Petunia looked steaming mad, ready to boil over, "FATHER. WHY IS THERE A SLEEPING BOY ON OUR LIVING ROOM COUCH." James immediately stood up and winced at the quick movement. I rushed to help him stand, while Petunia was put on guard and seemed ready to throw a punch if needed. Father took Petunia by the shoulder, talking to her quietly about the situation, Petunia shrieking every so often.

When Father finished, Petunia glared at James and I, rushed upstairs and came back down with a suitcase in this hideous pink color. Petunia huffed, "If this boy is going to stay here, then I am moving out. You can find me at Vernon's." She flipped her hair and went out the door, no more than a minute after an ear-shattering squeal rang out. I looked outside the window, to see a boy, who I assumed was Vernon, in a brand new car with Petunia cuddled up in the passenger's side. Just as they pulled out of the curb, James shrieked from behind me.

I saw a dark figure clothed all in blue, his hand wrapped around James' neck, cutting off his oxygen. Strangest thing about him was his hand seemed to shine, as far as I'm concerned, hands do not shine. Then I caught a glimpse of a screw, I quietly screamed at the realization that he had a steel hand, the hand could've been 10x stronger than a normal hand and it unfortunately was strangling my boyfriend! I ran forward but as soon as I got near them an invisible wall seemed to build up around them, the cloaked figure looked up and for the first time I caught a glimpse of his face. His eyes seemed to glow ruby red, his face was pure black but it was like a skeleton with bits of dead, withered, skin hanging on bits of bone. Where I should've seen a heart, there was a smoking black sphere with a golden pearl inside, I screamed and he waved his hand, and my parents seemed to walk in a trance, in sync, they reached for a knife and instinctively I backed up. I reached for my wand only to have the creature shriek and disappear. James took a deep breath and my parents looked at the knives in their hands confusedly, but then more smoke filled the entire house, I heard James audibly groan and say, "What is villain's deal with smoke?" Then it started to clear, I looked and sighed in relief as I saw James safe and breathing but then the feeling of panic returned when I turned and saw where my parents were, there was nothing but a note that fluttered on to the floor.
"Don't try to search for them girl. You're messing with things you can avoid." And that is when I fainted.

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