Chapter 11

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Hogwarts had given everyone a day to relax around the castle, classes were cancelled, and everyone thought it was because they were stressed from the Death Eater, actually, Professor McGonagall said they wanted nobody wandering around school grounds and encountering the Occidere Istic like Sirius had. I ran to the Hospital Wing the minute I got out of bed and threw on some clothes; the minute I  got there, Marlene and James were already around Sirius, trying to get him to remember Marlene, according to Professor Kettleburn, he would remember everything but his soulmate because the Occidere Istic, not only gave out venom but the venom drew out the blood that sustained the soulmate tradition. Back to reality, I jumped on James, very gently, and he turned around and smiled, "Hey Evans!" I smiled in return, "Any luck there James?" He frowned a bit, "He remembered her name but that's all he's getting around too." I held out 5 long sheets of paper, filled with my note-taking of the night before, he took it and scanned it quickly, "All about the Occidere Istic?" "Sure is!" He went back to reading but as soon as he got to the second page, his eyes widened, he held out a sentence that he had roughly underlined. I read it carefully, I sighed and banged my head on the table in frustration. There, in my scrawl, were the words, "May cause temporary forgetfulness of soulmates if not treated for more than 1 hour." We hadn't got Sirius to the Hospital Wing until at least 4 hours after he got bitten, he'll be putting Marlene through horrid pain.
Marlene had tear stained cheeks everyday for that month, each day we all seemed to lose a little hope in us. Sirius was completely unaware of everything, he would look at Marlene and laugh everything off, as though he was living happily. He had begun to lose memories of him and James, laughing and having fun, James would come to me and put his head in his hands with his eyes losing their sparkle each passing day. I visited too, nothing, he seemed to remember times when we weren't close, when he was just the boy in leather and I, just the prefect. Remus, he couldn't bear to visit longer than an hour, Sirius had no memory of Remus and he firmly believed Remus looked like a killer, Remus couldn't handle it one day and just, cried. The poor boy's been through too much, we all have.
Another day of classes came, Marlene refused to come to any class but Divination, in hopes that the professor could predict something for the future. I trudged to my Potions class, homework done and essays written, but I couldn't get any time off my hands with prefect duties and Sirius plus classes, I barely knew what happened to Alice anymore. Frank deemed us trouble loving and refused to let Alice hang out with us anymore, and what made Marlene and I mad was she didn't bother to even try to fight back, she hung her head and said, "If it makes you happy." The door swung open and I looked up, whoever this student was, he was about to be yelled at for coming 20 minutes late. "I'm sorry, I couldn't find the classroom." It was an American boy, he had blond hair and green eyes, total player in my opinion, but Lallia Vane was all over him, and her boyfriend was too busy flirting with the girl from Astronomy to care. Marlene lazily looked at the door and then her jaw dropped, the American boy turned and shot her a smile. I shot him a disgusted lion behind his back and for a second I though I saw a pair of talons shoot out from behind. Marlene threw him a flirty smile back and I raised my eyebrows in shock, Marlene knew her soulmate, she shouldn't be flirting with random boys like Lallia did. The boy introduced himself to the class as Andrew, Andrew Wilson, I still didn't like him that much, he shoved me out of my seat next to Marlene and took my seat. Marlene shot me a guilty look and smiled at "Andrew". I frowned and took another seat, alone. This day couldn't get stranger could it? That's what I thought, till I heard the killing curse ring out in the school.

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