Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Cecelia Tabor

HELLO MY WONDERFUL PEOPLE. I mean, seriously, I love all of you. You are all amazing, wonderful people. Here! Have an early update! Why? Because you are AMAZING FANS! Okay I will stop prattling now.

Justin snuggles into the sleeve of my dad's rain jacket, shivering like a Chihuahua in December. I forge ahead through the storm until I get home.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANNAH!" is my greeting when I walk in the door. My mom squishes me in a tight hug. "Happy birthday, lass," she grins.

"Thanks, mum." My dad comes too, holding something behind his back. "I know it's a bit early for this, seein' as your birthday's not for a few days, ye go. Happy Birthday, my wee lassie."

He hands me a small glass box with a bow on top. Sitting inside is a Miniature.

I gasp, examining it closely. It's a boy, with shaggy, tousled, black-ish brown curls and alert, ice-green eyes that gleam with intelligence. Justin climbs out of my sleeve and looks at the other Miniature with me. My dad freezes.


"I rescued him. He woulda drowned, but I saved his life. Hasn't got an owner. Can I keep him? Promise I'll take good care of both of them," I pleaded.

"Absolutely - " my dad starts. But my mom lays a hand on his. Shoulder and says, "Donald..."

Slowly, my father relents. "Oh... all right. But keep in mind that they're living creatures. Be respectful."

"Of course, Daddy. Thank you!"

I take Justin and his new friend upstairs. I lock my door, open the box, and slide my hand in. The boy cringes away from me.

"I won't hurt you, lad," I say softly. "Climb on."

Slowly, he climbs onto my palm. I lift him out gently, feeling like a - what's the American term for lift? Oh, yes - like an elevator as I bring him to eye level.

"Have you got a name? I won't give you one if you have."

He is quiet for just a minute, and then he says, "C-Carter."

"Hello, Carter! I am Hannah, and this is -"

"Justin?" Carter mumbles, pushing his hair out of his face. Justin looks as stunned as I am, using my arm as a slide to get down to Carter's level.


Before I can process more than What in the name of toast is going on here?!, Carter throws his arms around Justin's neck and starts sobbing uncontrollably. He's noticeably shorter than Justin is, maybe four inches to Justin's five and a half. Justin just rubs Carter's back, muttering soothing words to the distraught Miniature.

"I th-thought this w-w-ould be the e-e-e-nd of m-m-m-e-e! I always got h-h-urt by the N-n-n-orma-l-l-s and-"

"I won't hurt you, Carter. I'm shocked that someone would try to hurt you," I say, watching as Carter slowly let's go of Justin.

"You can't let anyone else find out that Carter and I know each other," Justin warns.

"Why not?" I ask. "So you two know each other. It's not a big deal."

"Yes, it is," he says gravely. "And there are serious consequences."

"Like what?" I laugh. They can't be that bad, can they?

"The government can take us away," Justin says, hugging Carter fiercely as the smaller boy's sobs slowly die down to quiet sniffles. "It's against the law to posses two Miniatures that know each other. Miniatures are meant to be isolated from each other, especially ones that aren't real Miniatures like me and like Carter."

"What do you mean, not real Miniatures?" I ask, intrigued.

It's Carter who replies, but I'm still shocked, so shocked I can practically feel the electricity coursing through my veins.

"Justin and I weren't born Miniatures. We weren't always this way.We used to be big people. We used to be... Normal."

Ah, suspense, suspense! >:)

But in all seriousness, I love you guys. Next update as soon as I can!

Oh, and just a side note: Feel free to draw fan art for me! Just know that I won't be able to post it because I suck with computers:(. WHY MUST THEY BE SO COMPLICATED!!!! Anyway, you can email it to me at:
And who knows? If I really like it, it may appear as a new cover, and you might just earn yourself a dedication or a follow back, if I haven't already!

Ok, I'm gonna shut up now. See you all later! Peace out from Crazytown.

~ Mollie xxxxxxx

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