Chapter Fifteen

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MIniature is #30 in Action!!!! And I have 21 followers. 21! There are 21 of you wonderful people! Come. Let me hug you. Here, have a chapter because *sniffle* I love you all so much. Excuse me while I go and sob with happiness.


I can't believe what the report just said. Dr. and Dr. Knight, Carter's abusive parents who made him and Justin the way they are, are loose. And from the sound of the news broadcast, they want Carter. Badly.

Justin and Carter come out of the little house and I hurriedly switch off the television.

"Wh-what happened?" Carter asks, pointing to the broken bowl.

"Oh, that. I just dropped it. Don't worry," I say, grabbing a rag and hastily sweeping the shards into the waste bin.

"Why is the tv turned off?" Justin asks suspiciously.

"I turned it off to clean up the mess," I say evasively.

"Why would you need to turn off the television in order to clean up a broken bowl? Unless.... What was on the tv that startled you and made you drop the plate?" he accuses.

"It was nothing, forget about it," I say, in a desperate attempt to get him off the subject.

"I-it obviously u-upset y-you, wh-what is the m-m-ma-ma-ma-ma-"

Carter keeps stammering until Justin taps his head and he spits out " - matter?"

"I want both of you to sit down," I say, aware of how close to the edge Carter is. "And promise not to freak out."

"Just spit it out, lady!" Justin snaps.

"Fine. Carter's parents have been released from jail. And they want him back. I don't know about Justin, but they definitely want their son."

Carter turns as pale a a sheet. Justin, on the other hand, turns a furious red.

"And you were going to KEEP this from us?!" he roars. I jump and Carter flinches.

"I didn't want to upset you."

"You need to tell us - tell me things like that!" he demands. "So that I can keep him safe!" He gestures to Carter, who is hyperventilating.

"Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to you," I soothe.

Justin climbs over to the remote and tries to push the ON button, but he can't muster enough strength to do so. So he pulls himself onto the remote and jumps on the button.

The newscaster is still speaking. " - are anxious for news on their two sons, who they have lost contact with. If anyone knows the whereabouts of these two children, please call the toll-free hotline seen below.

Two pictures flash onto the screen, with captions of their names and a phone number flashing on the bottom.

The picture on the left shows Carter at about eight years old, grinning. He's missing his two front teeth, although one of them is starting to come in, and his copper curls are crazier than ever.

The picture on the right shows a boy around twelve. He has close cropped black curls and icy blue eyes.

The caption reads, Rick Knight. He looks exactly like Sophie's Miniature, the one that beat up Carter.

Justin must be thinking along the same lines, because he asks me hesitantly, "You don't think.... it can't be?"

We both look expectantly at Carter. He shakes his head. "M-my brother d-d-disappeared before I w-was b-born. M-mom said h-he was h-hit by a c-car."

"They shrunk him!" Junstin realizes.

"We have no proof of that," I say. "But I may have a way to get some."

I quickly send Sophie a text: Hey Soph, you still got Rick's tag?

Yeah, why?
she responds.

What's his last name? I ask.

Her reply comes a few minutes later. And it shocks me to the core. Knight. Rick Christopher Knight.

Oh, we are SO screwed.


I love leaving you guys in suspense...... seven votes and five comments - FROM FIVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE - for next update!

See what I did up there Robance? Five different people must comment - I don't care how many times - plus seven votes for next update.

-w- yeah. That just happened.

I love you all my Ninja Children!

~ Mollie xxxxxx:3

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