Chapter Eighteen: JUSTIN

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This is dedicated to GemmaLawrence31, kenny15fish, and DullRequiem. So sorry it's late, Merry Christmas!!

Carter is asleep in Hannah's sweatshirt pocket. But I'm still awake. Hannah breathing sounds labored, and I don't blame her. Sunlight filters in through the black fabric; it's obviously daytime now. I poke my head cautiously out of the sweatshirt, careful not to fall out.

Hannah is pedaling steadily down a residential sidewalk. Her hood is down, her curly hair flying behind her in the wind. "Hannah, you need to rest eventually, you know," I say.

She doesn't hear me, I can tell, because she has headphones plugged in and she's humming along to whatever song is playing. I slide back inside the sweatshirt and settle myself comfortably, sitting up and leaning against Hannah's stomach.

What could have been a few minutes or a few hours later, the motion stops. I'm falling asleep, so the sudden jolt when the bike stops throws me forward. I collide with the fabric of the front of the pocket and bounce backwards, landing on top of Carter. He responds with a quiet, "Oof!" as I knock the wind out of him.

"Sorry, Carter," I say, helping him up as best I can. A hand slips into the pocket - Hannah's. I climb in, pulling Carter with me.

Hannah shows is our surroundings - the bike is parked in a secluded grove of trees, and we're standing in front of a bright green sign that says "Welcome to Irisville, Ohio!" in a cheery, white cursive font.

"I think it's safe if we stop here and rest for a while," Hannah says quietly. Carter doesn't say a word. He just nods silently.

Hannah leaves us sheltered in a bush thicket with the bike and goes to get some food and stuff from a convenience store.

Carter settles himself down in a small patch of sunlight and begins to draw in the dirt with a stick. I peer over his shoulder, trying to get him to talk to me.

He's drawn a couple, sitting on a roof overlooking a twinkling city spread out below them. Stars glitter overhead, and a full moon peeks out from behind the skyline. The girl rests her head in the boy's shoulder, and his arm is around her, pulling her close. And in the distance, at the far edge of the roof, is a tiny figure, sitting with its legs drawn up to chest, resting its head on its chin.

It takes me a minute to realize that the picture is of me and Hannah, on a date or something. I'm Normal sized, and Carter, who must be the figure on the roof's edge, is still a Miniature.

Then it hits me. Carter is worried that Hannah and I will forget about him, that I'll become Normal again and he'll be stuck as a Miniature, neglected and alone, for the rest of his life.

"Carter..." I murmur. I'm truly at a loss for words.

"W-want her," he mumbles. "H-have seen t-the way y-you l-look at h-her. A-am.... A-am g-going to b-be left a-a-alone a-again. W-will not f-fix me. Will - " - he swallows back a sob - " - w-will forget a-about m-me."

"Carter, just because I fancy Hannah doesn't mean you aren't my best friend. You're my little brother, my best friend, I love you and I want - I NEED - you around. We won't forget about you. We'll all be Normal together, and you and I will be best friends forever," I proclaim, rather proud of my little on-the-spot monologue.

Carter gives me a weak smile and stands up, but I notice that he doesn't blot out his drawing. He leaves it there - maybe as a reminder to me of what I promised, maybe because he just doesn't have the heart to destroy it.

Or maybe because he doesn't believe me just yet.

I open my mouth to comfort him, but then we hear Hannah's screams.

I stick my head out of the thicket to see that two men in crisp suits are dragging Hannah away. "Just tell us where they are!" one spits.

One of Hannah's flailing legs comes flying up and hits the man right between the legs. Carter and I both wince - it's no fun to be hit there.

The other man jabs a needle into Hannah's neck - probably a mild sedative as she collapses in his arms, head lolling.

"Let's get her back to HQ. Sooner or later, she'll tell us where those Miniatures are," I hear the one who got kicked say. He stands up, wincing, and limps away, followed by the first one.

"Come on!" I hiss to Carter. We run after the two men, watching them clamber into a car. They shove Hannah into the backseat, and that's when I see it - the trunk is open.

I sprint like h*ll to the car, Carter close on my heels. The exhaust pipe of the car is close to the ground, so I grab the bottom lip of that, pulling myself up. I clamber to the top and lower my hand to grab Carter. Once I've swung him up, we continue the precarious ascent of the car. I make it to the trunk first, whispering, "Geronimoooo!"

I land on something soft - a pile of rags, by the looks of it. Carter jumps down as well, but I catch him in my arms.

"Shut the trunk, Stevens!" someone yells.

"Quickly, hide!" I mutter. Carter and I duck underneath the pile of rags. Stevens mutters to himself as he slams the trunk. The car roars to life, and I feel Carter grab on tightly to me.

"To Isle Royale, and the cure," I whisper to him.

"T-to I-Isle R-Royale," he agrees. "A-and my p-p-parents."

I'm sorry for the wait, there's just a lot of crap going on in my life right now.

Should I continue this story or just delete it? Let me know in the comments, I honestly don't know if I should continue or what.

Seven votes, five reviews and answers from five different people. If you want me to continue then I shall.

Merry Christmas

Joyeaux Noel - French

Feliz Navidad - Spanish

Frohe Weinachten - German

~ Mollie xxxxxxx

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