Chapter Eight: JUSTIN!!!

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Hello! Here is Justin's POV. As I promised. And the title of the prequel is...... Before Things Fell to Pieces. As of now, it is up and running! Check it out! Thank you, my loyal followers:) oh, and this is dedicated to TARDIStimeturner

I'm still unsure about how I feel on the whole "going-to-school" thing. Carter is like a brother to me. This school will be FILLED with Normals, all of whom won't hesitate to crush us underfoot if we look at them the wrong way.

When we first became best friends, I swore that I would do everything in my power to keep Carter safe from harm. But then his parents mutated us, and I failed. I failed my mission and I let Carter down. He says he doesn't care but I care, I care a lot. I'm not the type of person who goes back on their word. I promised to keep Carter safe, and d*mn it, that's what I'll do.

Carter seems perfectly willing to climb into the cage, but there's a split second where he loses his footing climbing in and teeters right on the edge for a split second before he topples off and plummets towards the carpet with a horrible shriek. I'm forced to watch, like it's happening in slow motion, reaching out to grab his hand but missing by the width of our fingertips and -

And then Hannah shoots her hand out and catches Carter in her cupped hand. He lays perfectly still, eyes closed, non his side, wheezing and trying to breathe. I leave my position on Hannah's shoulder and slide down her arm, landing beside Carter. He was always small for his age, but now he's four and a half inches tall. I'll never forgive myself if he broke something or if one of his internal organs stops working and he dies, never never never.

"Come on, come on, open your eyes, Carter," I plead, shaking his shoulder. He gives a hacking cough and shudders a little but his eyes stay firmly closed.

"A-am fine...." he murmurs. "A l-little w-winded... but am f-fine... j-just catching my b-breath, do n-not w-w-worry....."

Oh thank God. Nothing's seriously wrong. He's okay, my Carter is okay. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to him.

Hannah's phone buzzes, and the screen floods with light. I help Carter to his feet and we peer at the paper-thin uPhone 7.78.

To: Hannah
From: Soph ;)

Hey, no bus service, Mr. Ferm has influenza. :( Want us 2 drive u 2 school?

Hannah types her reply of OK and looks at us. "Gentlemen," she says, in the worst imitation of a TV announcer ever, "this is a very big day."

"Technically, e-e-every day is a-a s-small day f-for us," Carter murmurs. Hannah laughs, ruffling his tiny curls with the tip of her index finger. "You are so cute," she says. Carter climbs into the cage that we have to ride in to go to school, but Hannah fishes him out.

"Sorry, but at school we're only allowed one Miniature per person, since some of the really rich kids own like ten or fifteen. So I have to choose who goes and who stays."

Before the words are even out of her mouth, I'm saying, "Me. I'll go. Carter, you need to stay here, where it's safe, and - "

"it would actually be safer for Carter to go," Hannah murmurs.

"What? No, no, definitely me. His stutter - "

"Will sound perfectly normal," Hannah says. I glare at her and she raises her palms in defense. "Hear me out, Justin. Almost all Miniatures that have advanced vocal cords are still being taught to speak. They stumble over their words, kind of like Carter does. Sophie doesn't even know that I have A Miniature, much less two. If you go to school - well, you sound just like a Normal. That might raise suspicions, and you might get taken away."

Carter slips his hand into mine, and a tidal wave of possessiveness surges over me. "No. I can't leave him."

"But think about it. If Carter goes to school, he won't raise any suspicions at all. He'll get to hang out with my friend Sophie's Miniature Rick all day. Then he'll come home to you, and so will I, because I'll be bringing him.

"Carter, do you WANT to go to school?" I ask him. "I can go for you.... If you want."

"Think..... I-it would b-be fun..... T-to go t-t-to school," Carter thinks. "But..... I w-will not i-if you d-do not l-like it."

"No... no, you can if you want to. I trust Hannah to take care of you."

Carter wraps his stick-thin arms around my waist. "Th-thank y-you!"

I watch Hannah slip him into the cage, grab her backpack, and run down the stairs, Carter waving at me with all the strength in his tiny body.

God, I hope he's ok.

Hey! I'm going to a family function, so Carter's POV will be up sometime this week.


Before Things Fell To Pieces is up and operational! Go check it out!

I love you all:)

~ Mollie xxxxxxxx:3

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