Chapter Four: JUSTIN!!!!!

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Hey peoples! So... I decided that Justin will go first! His POV will be the backstory to how they got so tiny. Next update will be soon, and it will be Carter's turn! Onward! :3
I watch the Normal cradle Carter. She actually seems okay. Oh, who am I kidding. All Normals are evil. THEY'RE the ones who made me the way I am. THEY'RE responsible for what happened to Carter. And I swear, they will ALL pay.

Carter stirs sleepily. I rub his curls, remembering the awful day when we freed all those Miniatures. Not that we shouldn't have done that - but I shouldn't have forced Carter into it. I think back to when it all started...

Carter was eight years old. I was ten. We lived next door and he adored me. We were both only children - I was the father, the big brother, the role model Carter never had. So when I suggested going to free the Miniatures, he went with me. But he had his doubts.

"Are you sure we can, Justin? Mommy won't be happy, and Daddy might shrink me again," he fretted.

I shook my head. "Your Mommy and Daddy already shrunk all these other people, and they aren't happy."

Carter followed me blindly back then - he planned a sleepover with me as a coverup first, and then he helped me bypass the security codes to the lab.

"Here, Justin." Carter pressed the cage keys into my palm. I quickly freed all the Miniatures.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" a voice thundered. I looked up to see Dr. and Dr. Knight, Carter's parents.

"RUN FORREST RUN!!" I yelled, grabbing Carter's hand and dragging him along with me. We ran through a labyrinthine maze of corridors until we ran out of breath, but they still caught us.

They cuffed our hands behind our backs and threw us in a cage. A few foodless, waterless days later, we were dragged out and our handcuffs were unlocked. Then we were strapped to metal tables.

Carter was crying. "W-w-what are you g-g-gonna do to u-u-us M-m-mommy?"

THWACK! Carter screamed as his mother slapped him across the face. "Don't you DARE call me that, you disobedient little freak. You have to be punished now."

"N-n-not the j-j-jar again!" Carter wailed.

"No, not the jar again. We have a much better punishment than that."

Carter's dad held up a syringe full of a glistening green liquid labeled Petrosalicinic Acid.

"No!" Carter wailed. "The shrinking serum! You ARE going to jar us!"

"No, you ignorant little brat," Carter's dad growled. "This is maximum dosage. Once we inject you both with this, you'll be permanently small. Then we'll never be bothered by you two again."

Carter's mother swabbed my neck with rubbing alcohol and pressed the tip of the needle against my neck.

"Say goodbye to your life, freak."

Then she shoved the plunger down and my world went black, Carter screaming in the background.
When I came to, all I could feel was a dull ache. It lingered deep in my bones, like the chill in midwinter.

I sat up slowly, noticing immediately that I was surrounded by bars. I examined my surroundings. There was a water bottle with a spout, like a hamster's, a dish of dry pet food, and an exercise wheel. The floor was covered with sawdust. First I was confused, and then it hit me.

I was in a pet cage.

That was five years ago. I'm fifteen now, and Carter is thirteen. I don't know how old the Normal is.

"How old are you two, anyways?" the Normal - Hannah, I think her name is - asks.

"I'm fifteen. He's two years younger," I say curtly.

"I'm fifteen too," she says.


I scoop Carter into my arms and stagger towards the cage. But before I get there, the door slams shut.

"You aren't animals, you're people. And people do NOT sleep in cages."

It's that Normal again. She's really starting to - wait a sec. Did she just say no cage?

Hannah digs some things out of her closet - a shoebox, some cardboard, paper, and art supplies. Then she dumps out the shoebox, revealing - doll things.

But not girly doll things. Two beds with green coverlets, a blue couch, some chairs and a couch, other furnitureand some doll clothes.

I inspect them. Jeans, plaid t-shirts, white t-shirts, t-shirts in solid, neutral colors like blue and green, socks, and sneakers. I can't find a brand name, though.

"Where did you buy these?" I ask. "They look professional."

"I made them," she answers. "In case I ever got a Miniature to care for."

"Well, now you've got two," I say. This Normal doesn't seem SO bad... Well, she doesn't treat us like animals, at least.

"So what's your plan?"

The girl, Hannah, holds up a paintbrush and smiles. "My plan is to make you a proper house."
So.... there's Justin's POV! Carter's will be short, and up as soon as I get votes and comments on this one! Also, this double update is dedicated to Chestnut28 for my wonderful new cover!!! Thanks so much, I love it!

~ Mollie xxxx:)

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