Chapter Twenty-Two

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[A/N: Dedicated to superwholockiancool and RandomStories HQ. Guys. *sniffles* Miniature is drawing to a close. Not many chapters left now. But! If you want a sequel, comment #SEQUEL for me, okay? I love you guys.] 


 After Carter's mom says that she and her husband were trying to create a race of gods, my mind goes totally blank. Is this lady psycho or what? Humans cannot be equivalent to gods... Can they? 

"You see, my dear Hannah," she says, startling me out of my thoughts. Oh joy. Another monologue. 

"You see, both my husband and I were made fun of for being the small, weak, helpless nerds as children. But now, the tables will be turned. The Miniature serum is only phase one. The original plan was to poison the water supplies of major, haevily populated U.S. cities, as well as the residences of major officials. This way, we could easily have some of this country's most powerful people in the palms of our hands - literally. But then we thought, why should we stop at nation-wide domination? Why not conquer the world? 

"The answer, of course," she continues, "is that even if we are drastically larger than everyone else, there's a good seven billion people on the planet. Not only might they get ideas and try to start an uprising, but that's a lot of people for only two gods to manage. But then we remembered the ancient myths, with hosts upon hosts of gods, and we realized something. Every good leader needs a council. So we have been searching for others who are sympathetic to our cause." 

"But if that's your plan, then why are you shrinking people now? From what you've told me, your god chemicals are nowhere near ready," I speculate. 

Dr. Knight's face twists into an ugly frown. "Yes, this is true," she concedes. "But that is where YOU come into play, my dear. You see, the reason behind the shrinkings is simple: we need lab rats." 

"Then go get actual rats, you moron," I mutter. 

The pain around my abdomen tightens abruptly, and suddenly I'm gasping for air. "I would not insult someone who can easily kill you if they squeeze their fingers the wrong way," Dr. Knight hisses. 

"Now, the reason we do not use actual rats is because even though rats and humans are similar, there are some obvious differences that will provide some...complications. We need actual, living, breathing humans to test our injections on. And this is the true purpose of the Miniatures. Because, you see, every single Miniature we created was injected with a special serum I like to call the Pied Piper Formula when they were created, a serum that will turn them into brainless zombies that will obey our every whim. All of them...except you, my darling. I wish for you to be fully conscious when you witness our great triumph!" 

Dr. Knight slips me in her pocket and starts rummaging around, muttering, "Now then, where on earth did I put that blasted cage?"

This gives me some time to reflect on her words. 

Thought A: This crazy lady and her husband - who I have yet to see - plan on using Miniatures as test subjects to create their race of gods. 

Thought B: Every single Miniature except me has been injected with this "Pied Piper Formula", which will turn them into mindless zombies who will let the doctors test chemicals on them without batting an eye. 

Thought C: Carter and Justin are both Miniatures. 

Thought D: Carter and Justin have most probably been injected with the Pied Piper Formula, which means that they are in danger as we speak. 

"Got it" Dr. Knight crows victoriously. I am whipped up from her pocket so suddenly that I become dizzy and feel like throwing up. I manage to hold in my vomit, however, and straighten myself up, glaring defiantly at my captor. 

Dr. Knight sets a cage down on the countertop, and I examine it with interest. It's made of a black material, probably metal wire, and it has bars. It looks like a hamster cage. The bottom is lined with newspaper, which is covered in a fine layer of sawdust. There's a hamster wheel in the corner, and one of those hamster drink bottles in the corner. 

She opens the tiny door, drops - practically throws - me inside, and slams the door, laughing. 

"You're lucky, little girl. You have something that most people would kill to have: a front row seat for the end of the world." 

[A/N 2: I'm going to do a chapter in Justin's POV and a chapter in Carter's POV and then the book is over. This is my baby. I can't believe I'm about to let it go.. I need your input! Remember to comment #SEQUEL! if you want one. Adios ~ Mollie xxxxxxx]

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