Chapter Twelve: JUSTIN (Part II)

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This is dedicated to Niallersnandos64 for making me laugh - AGAIN - and Robance for informing us all that plastic hippos are underwear-stealing bastards:)


Hannah and I spent a lot of time plotting revenge on the demon who hurt Carter. Carter's been begging us to forget about it all night. The poor kid got himself so worked up that he vomited. Twice.

Right now I'm sitting next to him, rubbing his stomach and trying to soothe him.

"C-cannot.... n-nope, n-nope, n-nope. W-will hurt J-Justin and y-you will leave m-me alone!"

Hannah leans over, her hair and clothes rumpled from sleep. "Still trying to settle him down, lad?"

"He's so worked up," I fret. "I'm worried he's gonna make himself sick to his stomach again."

"Let's see if this helps," Hannah says. She begins to sing in a slow, calming voice. I don't understand the words, but the tune is soothing and fits with her slight Scottish lilt.

Carter snuggles into my side and is asleep within five minutes. I, meanwhile, am still wide awake. Hannah pushes me gently, making me lie down next to Carter.

"I'll make sure nothing happens. You need sleep if we're going to get back at Rick tomorrow," she says.

"I thought it was Saturday tomorrow?"

"It is. And Sophie has a dance competition out of town, so Rick is staying with us for the day. Now get some sleep."

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, with Carter clinging to my waist.

Threads of memories flitter in and out of my mind.

Carter as a two year old, begging me to go on the slide with him.

Carter as a six year old, crying into my willing embrace because he was being bullied at school.

Carter as a wide-eyed eight year old, following me blindly on our ill-fated quest to free the Miniatures.

Carter's heart-breaking scream as his cage was pulled away from me, wrenching our hands apart and breaking his tiny wrist.

I jolt awake in a cold sweat, scrabbling around blindly for Carter's warn body. I can't find him.

"Carter! Carter, where are you? I'm so sorry, please come back to me! Carter! Carter!"

Soft footsteps pad outside the doors, and then Carter comes bursting through the flimsy cardboard door, looking for something anxiously.

"J-Justin! W-went to u-use the b-bathroom, w-what is w-wrong? A-are you o-okay?"

"Carter!" I breathe, grabbing his frail body and dropping onto the bed with him sprawled on top of me.

"A-am fine!" he says. "A-a little s-squished, but f-fine!"

"Carter.... I thought something happened to you."

"N-nothing has h-happened, but y-you need to s-stop w-worrying. C-can lead to s-serious problems with h-heart and s-stomach."

He starts to sing in the strange language Hannah was using. "What is that, that you're singing in?"

"I-is called G-Gaelic. Old S-Scottish language. I-like it."

Carter's voice is a little higher than mine is, but his singing voice is ten times better. I love when he sings.

He cards his fingers through my hair, and slowly but surely I fall asleep.



This is just a little filler to emphasize how strong the bond between Justin and Carter is. Plus these are so much fun to write, and they're so cute!

If I wrote a book of one shots about Carter and Justin, would you guys like that? Basically just a bunch of fluff so I can concentrate on the storyline in this book.

Comment and tell me what you think!

~ Mollie xxxxxxx:3

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