Chapter Eleven: JUSTIN (Part I)

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This is part one of Justin's insight, because I thought it would be easier to do it this way. Here we goooooes:) ( Justin's POV )


I can't believe this. Carter is HURT. And after what his parents out him through, I swore I wouldn't let anything happen to him again. I just failed that promise. And he won't stop apologizing, like all this is somehow his fault.

I'm not blaming Hannah, either, she thought this Rick guy would be okay for Carter to be around. And that's okay, because we all screw up occasionally. But I can't screw up, because Carter depends so much on me. I have to make sure this Rick guy knows exactly who he's dealing with when he hurts Carter.

"I can't take you to school with me, Justin," Hannah says, breaking into my reverie.

"What? No, you have to! I have to kill the guy who hurt Carter - I promised to protect him and I failed, I failed Hannah! I have to set things right with him because - " my voice breaks a little here " - because I promised that nothing would ever happen to him! And then we got shrunk and he got abused and now this! I failed him too many times and it all has to be set right!" I yell. "It...... it has to..."

"J-J-Justin, i-it is very s-sweet of you, b-but I n-never asked you t-to do this. Y-you care v-very much a-about me, and I c-care about you t-too, b-but sometimes I-I am going to g-g-get hurt. I-it is part o-of life. B-but you should n-not w-worry about m-m-me, because I-I can t-take care of m-myself. R-Rick caught me by s-surprise, but I k-know what to e-expect now. I-I will be o-okay n-now, d-do not be u-upset," Carter says quietly.

"Kitty Carter," I say, using his nickname from when we were little kids, "I told you that I would protect you. I didn't do that, and now we're tiny. And you got hurt, and I should have been there to stop it from happening."

"Justin, you're like an overprotective parent. You can't wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him safe forever, ya know that, right?" Hannah asks.

"I know...... but he's all I have left. My own parents sold me for money. Carter's parents shrunk us and tried to kill him. I let all this happen. I'm the worst friend ever." I can feel tears welling up in my eyes and I hastily try to swat them away.

"P-p-please do not cry!" Carter wails. Then he screws up his face, crinkling his nose adorably, and says, hesitantly, ""

Carter can control his stutter, but he has to concentrate really hard on what he's saying and plot it all out beforehand. I really don't care, though. I think his stutter is adorable.

"Hey, Kitty Carter, cheer up," I say, noticing his worried face. "Smile for me?"

Carter grins cheekily and wraps his tiny arms around me.

"A-are not m-mad at me a-anymore?"

"I never was."

(A/N: Fluff!!!!:3 awwwwww.....)

"Justin, you can't beat Rick up on school property, I'll get in trouble. I agree that something has to be done, but I don't think we should rush in and do something rash. Revenge is a dish best served cold and well-calculated. This way we can plan for the maximum amount of humiliation."

I laugh, nodding. "So what are we going to do?"

Hannah pulls out a notebook and a pencil. "Well, I was thinking it would go a little something like this....."


Don't we all just love Carter? I think he's my favorite - shhhhhh......:)

Next chapter is REVENGE, sweet revenge. And as we all know, the moral is -

Carter: N-never trust a p-plastic h-hippo.

Justin: No, silly, it's that if you get messed with I'll swoop in like Batman and kick whoever did it into the next dimension.

Carter: B-but still should n-not t-trust a p-plastic h-hippo..... R-right?

Justin: Of course, Kitty Carter, of course.

So anyways..... what do you guys think of my nickname for Carter?:)

OH yeah this is dedicated to Just_anotherwriter because their comment inspired this early update and Niallersnandos64 because their comment made me laugh.

See you guys soon! I love you all!

~ Mollie xxxxxxx:3

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