Chapter Fourteen

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  • Dedicated to Cory Bishop

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OH yeah this is dedicated to my two newest followers Presbar and Robance and to Cory W. Bishop BECAUSE HE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND HE INSPIRED CARTER SO YOU CAN THANK HIM FOR THAT!!!!


Justin hasn't let Carter leave his side all day. It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen, the way Carter just willingly snuggles against Justin. They've spent the entire day cooped up together while I teach Rick some more words.

I cleaned him up pretty well, and there's no VISIBLE damage. Justin, on the other hand, has a bruised wrist and a huge bite mark on his other forearm. Carter has been washing it with hot water every hour, on the hour, and changing the bandages.

Justin hasn't been acting like himself, though. He hates to be taken care of, yet he lets Carter tend to him without a fuss.

Sophie picks up Rick around five with a heavy gold medal dangling from her neck. After some congratulations on her routine, she waves goodbye and leaves with Rick.

When I get back to my room, Justin is sound asleep. Carter is working on his sketchpad. I peer into the book to see that it's a picture of Justin, exactly like he is now - sprawled on his back sound asleep.

"I-I am a-almost d-done," he murmurs, shading lightly with the side of the pencil.

He has pencil smudges all over his face, hands, and arms. "You need a bath, Carter," I laugh. He puts the pencil down and looks at me.

"C-could I h-have one? I ne-never got one be-before..... j-just sh-showers," he informs me. Then he screws up his face in concentration again and says, slowly and strained, "Was.....washed lots....."

"How did people that sadistic ever have a kid as sweet as you?" I gasp, horrified.

I take a small bowl and fill it with warm water, as well as thick white suds. Then I close my eyes while Carter strips and climbs in. When I open then again, he's seated in my makeshift tub with everything from the waist down obscured by suds. But I can clearly see the thick scars crisscrossing over his back, sides, and stomach. Some are jagged, and look more like burn marks, probably from the light socket experience. Others are more clearly defined, and precise, almost as if someone cut him purposefully.

Justin stirs over in the shoebox house, and I scoop him up. "Carter's having a bath. D'you wanna join him?"

Justin stretches and yawns, then catches sight of Carter in the "bathtub". "Yeah, why not?"

I close my eyes and allow Justin to strip and hop in. He settles down, letting out an immense sigh of pleasure. The hot water probably feels good on his aching muscles.

Carter wiggles his way behind Justin, scoops up a handful of suds, and starts to wash his dirty blond hair. Justin makes a happy noise and leans back into Carter's touch. It looks pretty cool, like a little massage.

I turn on the TV as Carter and Justin continue their bath. We watch an entire half hour program until the water is no longer warm. I scoop the two of them out - wrapped in a dish towel to keep them covered up - and deposit them in the house to get some clothes on.

I dump out the water, and when I glance at the TV again, it's a news bulletin. I'm about to reach for the remote to change the channel, but something catches my attention and I freeze where I stand.

"This just in," the announcer reports. "The infamous couple, Dr. and Dr. Knight, who are credited with the creation of Miniatures, have just been released from prison on good behavior. I repeat - Dr. and Dr. Knight have been released from prison."

The screen cuts to a shot of two people. The guy - Carter's dad - has black curls like Rick's and Carter's green eyes, and his mom has icy blue eyes, kinda like Rick's, and copper hair the same color as Carter's.

"We simply can't wait to see our son Carter again," his dad says.

His mom looks straight at the camera, and it feels like she's looking at me and talking directly to me. "I have missed my son so very much. And should anyone try to stand in my way, they will find themselves in very hot water. Nothing is going to stand in the way of me getting to my son."

The bowl I've been holding crashes to the floor, shattering to a myriad of pieces.


You are officially my Ninja Children. Ok? Ok.

Cliffhanger, hangin from a cliff, and that's why he's called Cliff Hanger!

Ah, suspense, suspense.

7+ votes and 5+ comments for an update!

~ Mollie xxxxxxxx:3

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