Chapter Five: CARTER!!!!

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Hello my lovelies! Once again, this chapter and the previous one are dedicated to @Chestnut28 for my beautiful new cover! Check her stories out when you finish reading this. Go! Go now! With Neptune's swiftness, AWAY! *falls flat on face* Ah, Patrick Starr... But enough dillydallying! To the chapter - in Carter's POV!
When I wake up, I'm not snuggled in the Normal's shirt anymore. I'm wrapped in a strange white thing. After a moment, I realize it's a tissue.

I sit up, catching sight of a paint-splattered Justin and an equally paint-splattered Hannah standing in front of... a dollhouse?

"J-Justin? What's th-that?"

I hate the way I stutter. Justin says I'm lucky I'm alive, and he's probably right. I could be dead. But all that electricity messed up my brain, and now I have a stutter.

"It's our new house," he says. "Wanna help?"

Justin takes me in and shows me around. The dollhouse was built out if a Normal-sized shoebox. Hannah and Justin carved windows and a door, so I walk in.

The first thing I see is our living room. There's a couch, a coffee table with a small battery-powered lightbulb on it, some chairs, and a large rectangle drawn on the wall with rounded edges. The word TV is written inside of it.

"That's where I'll prop my iPod 8.9, if you wanna watch something," Hannah says. The walls are a sea green color.

There's a piece of cardboard, like a divider, with a doorway carved in. I wander through the doorway into a cream-colored room with a table and two chairs - dining room. There's also a curtained-off corner, so I decide to peek at it. The corner has a Styrofoam cup, like a toilet, I guess.

Justin points out another divider, with two doorways instead of one. The door on the left is bright red, the one on the right is a pale blue. I go through the red one first, and I am immediately met with an explosion of loud, bright colors that hurt my eyes and make my head swim.

When my nerves readjust themselves, I can see the bright red walls of a bedroom that I'm guessing is Justin's. The bedstead in the far left corner is painted a gaudy orange, and it has a bright orange coverlet that clashes horribly with the walls. The far right corner has a dresser, with all the drawers hanging out haphazardly and all the clothes strewn across the room.

There is a white door in the middle of the right wall. "That joins my room to yours," Justin explains. "Go on, then, go take a look!" he prompts.

I push the door open to reveal a pale blue room. The bedstead is white, as is the dresser, and the blanket is a soft yellow. I open the drawers one by one. The top has socks and underwear, the second one has shirts, the third had pants, and the bottom has pajamas and extra blankets. Everything is neatly folded, and I can see a fuzzy jacket with a hood hanging from the back of the door.

Hannah's face appears above me, looming worriedly. "Do you like it?" she asks anxiously. "I mean, we can reprint it if you don't like it."

"N-n-no, I l-love it. Th-thanks, Hannah."

Honestly, I could've cared less if they had painted my room to look like a girl's, all pink and fluffy.

Okay, so maybe I would have been a LITTLE bothered.

But this is the first time I've had a real bedroom in five years. It's the first time I've seen Justin in five years. It's the first time I've been treated nicely in five years.

It's the first time in five yeas that I've had something that I can call mine.
Aww... Carter fluff! Sorry it sucks but I really wanted to get his double update up, on account of all y'all peoples is just AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I like innocent Carter and overprotective Justin, don't you?

So, recap: this chapter and the chapter in Justin's POV are dedicated to the LOVELY @Chestnut28 for my BEAUTIFUL cover! Go check out her stories. Go! Now! Shoo! FOR THE GLORY!!!!!

~ Mollie xxxxx:3

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