Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Cory Bishop

Just...aaaaahhhh so happy! People are actually reading and enjoying my crap! So happy... wanna know what would make me HAPPIER? If you checked out my other story, Into Thin Air. If at least ONE person checks it out and gives me feedback - although I'd love it if you all did - my next Miniature update will be a DOUBLE update. And I may even make them in SPECIAL points of view - maybe Justin and Carter! Kay, enough of this crap. To the story, FOR NARNIA:3!!
I stare at Justin and Carter unconprehendingly(a/n: pretty sure I just invented a word there... AWESOME SAUCE!!!:3) "You were... Normals?"

I had intended to shout it, but my voice comes out as a whisper. Although, it does explain their advanced vocabularies, as well as how Justin's voice isn't high and squeaky like a regular Miniatures.

"Yes. Our parents worked together. They were scientists, experimenting on Miniatures. They performed horrible, gruesome experiments on Miniatures. Carter and I...well, one night, we snuck into the lab and freed all of them. We released every single Miniature in that laboratory. So we became the new experiments, until our parents finished their research. Then they sold Carter. I ran away, which is how you found me," Justin explains.

"So how'd you all get shrunk, anyway?" I ask, holding my palms out. Carter scrambles into my outstretched hands, and I cup them, holding him close to my chest.

Carter snuggles into my shirt, rubbing his head against my stomach area and sniffing my shirt.

"Icing..." he murmurs.

"How did the two of you get so small?" I repeat, more forcefully.

"My p-parents were the sc-scientists who d-developed the first M-Miniatures. As a p-punishment, they would u-use the serum they i-injected into the f-first Miniatures, p-put me in a j-jar, and l-leave me there u-until the e-effects wore off. Th-then I'd s-supersize so f-fast I got n-nauseous, and the j-jar would e-explode, leaving me w-with shards of g-glass sticking o-out all o-over my b-body..."

Carter shudders like a leaf. "Th-they overdosed me a-and Justin as p-punishment. I-it's permanent n-now."

"It's KIND of a sore subject," Justin snaps.

"All m-my fault..." Carter murmurs.

"No, we've been over this. It was MY idea to free the Miniatures. You tried to stop me. That makes it MY fault," Justin says. Carter whimpers, pressing his scrawny body closer to my midsection.

I run my thumb along his head. His curls are silky smooth, and he seems to like it, because he grins and breaks out in giggles. "T-tickles," he laughs.

"Wait. Sorry if this is prying, but of you two are actually Normals, then why does Carter stammer the way he does?"

Justin rolls his eyes. "He was mistreated and horribly abused. He was treated like an animal, kept in a filthy cage, and every time he acted like a human his parents would shove him in a light socket."

"In a LIGHT SOCKET??!!" I shriek. Justin and Carter wince, covering their tiny ears, and I realize how loud I must sound, considering how small they are compared to me.

"Yes. L-like tasering, but m-more. Like g-getting hit w-with l-lightning, multiple ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-"

He keeps repeating it, like a broken machine, until Justin flicks the side of his head. "Times," Carter finishes.

Carter snuggles against my shirt, wrapping himself in folds of the flannel and falling soundly asleep.

"All of that electricity messed up his brain," Justin explains quietly. "Every single owner he ever had sent him back. Eventually, some rich scientist bought him, to try and cure shock trauma. They failed miserably and he went to a pet shop."

"N-n-no..." Carter murmurs. "D-don't send me b-b-back..."

"Never again, Carter," Justin swears, running his fingers through his friends disheveled curls. "Never again."
Awwww, fluff! I like overprotective Justin, don't you?

Remember the deal! Checking out Into Thin Air = double update and MAYBE the Miniature's points of view!

Peace out, peoples.
~ Mollie xxxxx:3

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