01; Late Blossoms

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It's been two weeks since the new school term started. Oikawa was on his way to school, clearly annoyed because Iwaizumi had been ditching him for a week.

Not even the cherry trees that stood in full bloom were putting him at ease; in fact it had the opposite effect. He had hoped they would bloom on the first day of his last year at junior high. He planned on spending the weekend with his teammates watching the cherry blossoms in the park, but everyone was too busy. And now his best friend is avoiding him and he doesn't even know why.

It could have been such a great time; instead nothing went the way he wanted to which was simply frustrating.

The small pink petals raining down on his path just reminded him of that. The path in front of him was already fully covered, looking almost like a rose colored ocean.

But besides him there was no one else who looked at the same scenery, which made him feel somewhat lonely. Because, despite the unpleasant feelings the blossoms recalled, they were still incredible beautiful. Yet he wasn't able to share this view.

It's only natural, he thought. He left quite early that morning, wanting to train a bit before class starts.

That's when it happened.

Oikawa stopped in his tracks. He wouldn't have noticed you if not for the meow of the cat that was being petted.

Shoulder long hair full of pink cherry blossoms; eyes that were so deep and sad, yet endearing and charming. You were wearing the uniform of Kitagawa Daiichi, yet he was not able to recall ever seeing you. And he began to wonder why.

Oikawa Tooru was a lot like this year's cherry blossoms.

Looking absolutely magnificent,

At times just a bit too much and annoying,

...And a late bloomer.

Sure as hell had Oikawa Tooru relationships before, not even mentioning the massive amount of fangirls that fawned over him, but nothing stirred him up as the look of you just did.

It was then he realized that you already noticed him starring holes into you, leaving both of you rather uncomfortable. You decided it's best to stand up and continue walking to your school, leaving the brunette behind.

"Ah, wait! We're from the same school right? Why not walk together?"

Shudders ran down your spine. For reasons (almost) only known to you, you'd rather not get involved with others. Especially not with that type of guy he obviously was.

True, just last week you let someone in on that secret. However, they couldn't be more different. So you decided to be more on your defense and get away as fast as possible.

"Thanks but sorry. I prefer being alone."

"But why would someone as beautiful as you want to be alone? Isn't that a waste?"

Pissed. That's what you became the second he said that one particular word. He couldn't know, of course but right in that moment you didn't care in the slightest.

You turned, moved just a tiny bit further to him and swung your bag at him. The boy hit the floor, not because the bag hit him but more because he was so surprised he tripped backwards.

"I said no, didn't I?!"

With that you ran away as fast as possible.

Even if it's a huge overreaction it would keep him at least away from you.

Or at least so you thought. Instead he was mesmerized, watching your figure run until out of sight.

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