60-10; usually

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The way he looked at you made your heart pound. It's not because you were alone, but the fact that he pointed it out. He seemed a little embarrassed himself and after not getting a reply he crouched down, hugging his knees.

"You don't need to reply, just forget I said anything." he whined and you approached him getting down to his level, though only seeing his back.

"I love you, Tõ-" before you could finish your sentence he turned and squeezed your form.

"Got you~" he happily purred and you hugged back.

"You know, some day we'll get in trouble if you never resist me." he cooed with a smile on his face.

"Shut up." at your disagreeing voice he laughed and rubbed his cheek against yours.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." he sighed and kissed your forehead. After one look at your face he chuckled and kissed your lips. "A kiss on the forehead wasn't enough, huh?"

"...you're awfully clingy today." you answered with a slight blush.

"-Not like you don't enjoy it." he added grinning wide.

"True" you nuzzled onto his neck. "I actually missed this more than I thought. I missed you more than I thought." your words were like an arrow piercing Oikawa's heart. And as much as he'd have liked to leave it at that, he couldn't.

"...We should keep it a secret. I don't want you to get bullied or anything, you're getting along with your class now too, right? So avoiding each other at school probably is best for you."

"How about no?" you declined his offer flatly and he sighed.

"I figured you would say that." he sighed again, squeezing tighter. "You just can't resist me! You love me that much that you want everyone to know, bragging about the helpless boy that loves you unconditionally."

"Aren't you the one bragging about how much I love you?" you snorted and you both were laughing at this point. He looked at you with soft eyes that were telling how much he loved you before they closed and he leaned in for a kiss.

Usually he would have pulled away after a few seconds, instead of pushing you gently onto the floor.

Usually he didn't add in tongue, making you feel dizzy and confused as he kissed you passionately.

Usually his hands were either on your back or cupping your face, instead of lingering dangerously at the hem of your skirt.

He hovered over you, his chest almost touching yours.

"Are you trusting me?" his voice was soft and very considerate after he pulled away, though shaking a little.

"I do trust you..." before you could say 'but' the door of the gym opened violently.

"Get away from her Trashykawa. This is a school, goddamnit." Iwaizumi scowled, though instead of flinching like usual Oikawa picked you up, carrying you bridal style.

"As long as she agrees I can do what I want with her!"

"You can't even carry her properly! SEE, her underwear is showing! How do you want to protect her from your fanclub like that?!" he said with a straight face while Oikawa quickly tried to fix it.

"So that was Iwa-chan's idea? The whole stupid avoiding thing?!" you said while Oikawa slowly let you down.

"Do you want to go back to how it was when everyone was keeping their distance? Or when you were drenched in the rain? We don't know how far the fangirls would go, why risk that if you can just avoid it?!"

"Say Iwa-chan, are you my mom?" you said sarcastically while Oikawa tried to hold back his laughter.

"YES, as long as your parents aren't here, I am that! So I'll protect you from that and Oikawa if necessary." Something was off about him. Of course would he worry and be there to protect you but he was taking it a bit too far this time.

"Iwa-chan, what's going on? Did something happen?" it was the worrying tone that made his face scrunch up. He bit his lip and his eyes were glistening. Oikawa and you panicked, running towards him and wrapping him in a bear hug.

"Rika and I broke up." he said with a lump in his throat and normally Iwaizumi probably would have cried, but because Oikawa and you already broke out in tears, somehow his will to cry faded.

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