33; what's missing

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For Oikawa it was a test. There was something he's been thinking about and the reaction you'd make would answer his question.

Or so he thought.

You on the other hand expected him to explain why he still held your hand, which is why you didn't say a word either.

So you both just stood there holding hands, staring at each other.

Just when you both were about to finally break through the silence, passing high schoolers did so instead.

"Look the kids over there are holding hands in the middle of the street. How bold!"

"Young love is the best, how cute."

In an instant Oikawa blushed furiously, his grip on your hand fading, expecting to be gone in a second.

Though instead you felt his pinky finger hold onto yours.

Looking at his hand and back at his face he spoke softly.

"Is this fine with you?"

Nodding you wondered what he's up to. His behaviour was beyond bizarre.

While beginning to walk home you both didn't talk much, until...

"There's something I'd like to ask." you both said in unison.

The male wanted you to start, however you said he should and so he did.

"Why did you say you accept the title of the queen?"

"To rile her up and- wait, is that why you've been that weird?"

"What do you mean weird?! Is that all?"

He let go of your finger, confused and just a tiny bit disappointed you shrugged.

"Well, yeah. She won't use it to insult me anymore so I think I can live with that nickname from now on..."

"And here I thought..." he said in a voice becoming more and more faint with every word.

"What was that? What did you think?"

He glanced at you with a pouty expression, facing the other way before carrying on.

"....A lot people thought it was a proposal or a confession... you know, because.. queen and... king."

His face burned crimson by now. He rubbed the back of his head in embarassment, struggling with his words.

Which was actually a fun thing to watch.

"Rumours started. About us going out."

You stared at him blankly, unsure of what to think about it.

The thing with his fanclub was settled so nothing bad should happen, you thought. But, speaking of fanclubs...

"Is that why my fanclub called you out?" it was a strange thing to say.

He chuckled.

"Yeah they were asking about it and before I could deny it they said that they would support me. Your happiness is all that matters to them."

"Wow... that's really cute and considerate."

He replied with a nod.

Moving on you both kept silent for a while. That was until a wide smile crept on Oikawa's face.

"So ... Iwa-chan and Miura-chan, huh?"

You couldn't help but smile as well.

"Hehe I'm so happy, I saw it coming but I never thought it would happen so soon."

Suddenly the male stopped in his tracks.

"Now why don't we pay the Iwaizumis a visit?"

Let's call it fate but you stood right in front of their house.


"I'm home." Iwaizumi called out as he closed the door behind him.

When he walked past the living room, his mother spoke to him.

"Your friends came to visit, they're waiting in your room."

Groaning he ran to his room, throwing the door open.

Currently the both of you were fighting over the sweets but as soon as you eyed your friend you both grinned at him teasingly.

Which resulted in Oikawa getting hit with his bag.

But he recovered quickly and now Iwaizumi was hit with two expecting stares.

Sighing he shut the door, sat down and put a piece of candy in his mouth.

"It's none of your business."

"Eeehhhhh" you both replied in unison.

All the begging was futile, after he had enough he threw you out and you went home sulking.

"How mean."

"We'll just ask Miura."

"Exactly, she will gladly tell us."

After a little while a small cold drop of water fell on the tip of your nose.

"It's starting to rain."

"How about going to a café on Sunday? Or maybe ..."

He was to absorbed that he didn't notice anything around him.

That would have been fine, if the rain didn't get stronger.

You decided to make a run for it. But you couldn't leave that guy here.

It was a mystery to you how we didn't notice anything but your flick on his forehead.


"Let's run already!"

King & Queen; Oikawa Tooru X Reader ❤Where stories live. Discover now